Chapter 4: Shizuo Heiwajima

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I've said that I love all of humanity and all humans, but I have to admit, I lied. In order to make that statement true I'd have to change both 'all's to 'most's. There is a single person I absolutely despise.

This particular person isn't even really a person. He's more of a monster. That being said, I guess my first statement can be true.

We met each other in high school. We had a similar friend, Shinra Kishitani, who wanted us to meet. When I met him, he was fighting delinquents in the soccer field. As soon as the monster saw me he immediately attacked me. He's extremely rude.

This monster is tall, freakishly strong, slower than me, fatter than me, and has blonde hair that is never kept. For some known, but stupid, reason he always wears a bartender's getup and blue tinted sunglasses. His face is long and somewhat pointed. He has a brown, almost hazel eye color. He always smokes, which annoys me.

Why do I know so much about him? Well, you should always know your enemies, right?

Honestly, I don't know why anyone wants to be around this monster in the first place. All he does is smoke and throw vending machines at people. Neither of those things make sense. Why would someone like someone who ruins everybody's lungs and tries to squish people who make the slightest sarcastic comment?

Sadly enough, though, his strength is actually something to fear. Luckily, he's too slow to catch me, but if I was a normal person, I'd be in the hospital for life by now. Weak people shouldn't pick a fight with him, but people have free will for a reason. If they choose to die, I say we should let them.

Teasing him is fun, though. The only thing I enjoy about him is his inability to take a joke. It's fun to mess with people, monsters too, so why not do what makes you happy? For example, when you play with a cat, you like to pull the yarn away just before the cat can clamp down on it. It's the same for the monster. I provoke him by calling him names or saying something about his brother (again with the sibling complex) and I jump out of his reach before he can get me. Fun, right?

Concerning his brother, the two do seem to have a strange relationship. The monster first realized his strength when his brother stole his pudding or something else irrelevant that made him mad, I'm not too worried about specifics. Anyway, he lifted the fridge to attack him with it, but ended up breaking many bones. The idiocy of the situation is highly amusing. Even more so because he continued breaking his bones when he got mad. After that, he had a crush on the milk lady or something after she gave him milk and even now he drinks several liters of milk every day.

His brother gave him his ridiculous bartender garb, which he won't stop wearing. How does he even wash it everyday? I've rarely seen him without it. I'm not quite sure how he and his brother feel about each other. They seem almost intimate at times, but I'm so used to being around idiots with sibling complexes that my perception could be skewed.

Anyway, the monster does happen to have a name: Shizuo Heiwajima or, as I like to call him, Shizu-chan.


There you guys go! I tried to write this chapter in the most Izaya-like fashion. It's harder than I initially thought. I'm not quite sure if I'm ever going to switch point of views, so if you haven't caught on, it will be Izaya's point of view unless I say otherwise.

Please feel free to leave a comment or message me! If you ask a question I'll answer as truthfully as possible and as quickly as possible.

Bye, bye!


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