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                "Have you seen my phone? Did I leave it behind?" I asked frantically searching the floor of Sergio's truck and even rooting through his glove compartment.

"I can't believe you hit me with the pressure cuff." Sergio chuckled, he sounded relatively amused for someone who had had to wrestle an IV rack from me.

I turned back to face him, he had a one hand grip on the steering wheel, the other resting on the gear shift, it was at this moment I realized I still had his bandana. "I can't believe you blind folded me."

He glanced my way and then back to the road. "It worked didn't it? And I'll bet you'll never forget the recipe, not that you'll be able to make it of course but you'll at least remember. Get out of there."

No seriously. He'd blindfolded me. I had failed to abide by his quit watching him instructions which proceeded the if you don't stop staring at him I'm going to blind fold you threat which followed with that's it, I'm blindfolding you.

Being blindfolded had initially been much worse than when I was watching the doctor. He touched my hand and I jerked away, probably over dramatically, and then Sergio had started drilling me on dinner. He demanded the ingredient list and when I said I didn't give two shits about the ingredients he said "Did I ask how many shits you gave? No, I asked how many fucking cheeses go into it!"

I remembered all but two of the ingredients, the cumin and bread crumbs. He was right, I wouldn't forget them after today. Nor would I forget she agonizing burning feeling the numbing shot gives you when injected. Horrible!

His bandana had been left pushed up past my forehead and holding back my hair after the stitches were done, pushed back down when he explained I really needed a tetanus shot, and pushed back up when we finally left. Remembering about it now I shut the center console and took the bandana off completely.

"I need to call someone, we're going to be late for the dinner I'm supposedly making."

"It's been taken care of. You didn't bring your phone."

"What if Alessio called me while I was gone?"

"Well, I would bet he would have gotten your voicemail. Crazy how that works, isn't it? For future references Kate, use the cheese grater, not the knife. Shredded cheese would melt faster than cubed anyway."

"Did you see how huge that kitchen was? I looked for the cheese shredder for like ten minutes."

"Third cupboard from the stove, the low one not the high one."

"Well see had I known that I probably wouldn't have cut my hand open."

"Tell me Kate, were you actually going to cry when he said you needed a tetanus shot?"

"I hate shots, he'd already stabbed me in the hand fifty thousand times, I just wanted to go home."

"The needle is like pin sized and you got what four, five stitches? That is hardly fifty thousand."

"But did you hear him say my arm would be sore for days? Not to lift anything heavy? This tetanus shot was like, a legit shot. Serious shot business."

"What the hell is wrong with you not being up to date in the first place?"


Kissing The Moon Goodbye - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now