09 || DNA Testing

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****WARNING: I know that I may or may not have left some details out in this chapter, so if you feel like something is missing from this chapter then you are totally correct bc I purposely kept it out of this chapter.

Shayana pov.

Before I could even knock on the door, Rohan open it and walked outside closing the door carefully behind him.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Look we may or may not have a situation..." He trailed off.

"Rohan, what is it now? Do you have a long lost son now too?" 

Of course seeing his priceless reaction was the icing on the cake.

"K-Kya?" Rohan stuttered, "No. My parents are in my living room with my daughter as we speak."

I would have laughed if I wasn't so in shock, "Wait your parents?"

"Nah Shayana their yours. Of course I'm talking about mine." I glared at him.

"Shut up Ro. Why are your parents here and they know about Jasmine?!" I exclaimed.

How could he be so stupid?  What if his father was trying to hurt him?

"Shayana. I had no choice. Abhi had already clearly expressed that Jasmine is indeed my daughter. " Rohan dug through his pocket before handing me a piece of paper.

Mother- not tested

Child- mouth swab

Alleged Father- mouth swab

Explanation for motherless paternity- Man wishes to know if he is the biological father of the child.

Conclusion- Rohan Nanda is 99.9% not excluded as the biological father of Jasmine Jaykar Nanda.

"Not excluded?" I said looking up confused.

"It means that I am Jasmine's father." Rohan said softly, "If it had been excluded, she-"

"She would not have been your biological daughter." I interrupted, "When did you get the test?"

Rohan looked at me confused, "Didn't you and Abhi get the test? I had no idea that this was even done. He just handed me this today."

Wait what?

"Abhi didn't tell me this !"  I sighed, lately Abhi hasn't been telling me a lot of stuff.

"I'm sorry. I think." Rohan replied nervously.

"Anyways Ro...Why is your parents here? Because the last time I checked you weren't talking to them."

Rohan sighed, "I know I wasn't but-"

"But what Ro? These people in your house don't deserve to be called your parents, they were never there for you when you needed them the most. Are they bankrupted or something? We can easily-"

"Shayana. My father has colon cancer."

I blinked.

"My father wanted to visit me to apologize." Rohan continued, "And he wanted to discuss his will."

"His will? " I bit my tongue, not wanting to blurt out something that could hurt Rohan.

Rohan took a deep breath, "He wants to ensure that his companies go somewhere."

I couldn't hold it in anymore, "Okay Rohan but why didn't they go to your brother about the will. I mean you're so well off, you don't need their money anymore. And why are they still here?"

Rohan looked down at the floor and sighed, "They did go to my brother and his wife and-" He paused looking up at me, "Bhaiya and bhabi can't have kids."

"Are you saying that your brother can not have kids at all?" I said in shock.

He nodded, "I have no idea that they came here to make me the next heir...well that was until they saw Jasmine."

"Huh?" I was lost.

"They want to make Jasmine the next heir of all their companies." Rohan said slowly.

"But she's just a kid !"

"I know. And I have no idea how to get my parents to leave. When they met Jasmine, they were fell in love her. She casted some magical spell on my parents-and that's including my father." Rohan panicked, "They even asked about Aarohi. They know that she's the mother." He whispered.

"Well. What did you tell them?" I said curious to what excuse Rohan came up with.

"Actually Abhi told them that she was visiting her parents in India, and doesn't want Jasmine to come with her."

As I was about to say something to Rohan, Jasmine opened the door, "Daddy? Dadi wants you. Oh hi Shayana auntie."

"We're coming."  Rohan replied, turning towards the door, waiting for me.

"Daddy? " I mouthed as we walked into through the door.

He shrugged, but secretly I knew that it made him happy that Jasmine was accepting him as her father.

"Whatever auntie ji. " He teased.

I rolled my eyes.

This chapter comes at the request of a reader who wished to see more of Shayana, trust me as much as you might not like her...she's an important character

And I would just like to add that I looked up DNA test results so that bit is kinda accurate...I may be missing info. Do you guys wanna hear a quick story abt this DNA incident that happened to me irl?

Okay so I was looking up DNA result papers right, for the story... so while I was researching, I left to go get a cup of chai from the kitchen and left my computer open- which was mistake #1 bc my mother came into my room ans started to read what I was looking up. So the moment I walked into the room with my chai, ready to type this chapter, I see my momma on my computer-totes lucky that I wasn't login into my Wattpad account. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Your not adopted, sweetheart. Stop trying to find ways to leave this household...your stuck with us forever." With that she just walked away leaving me in shock lol.

Anyways please comment & vote:)

How was this chapter for you? I have some special guests that are making appearances soon...any guesses lol

Btw- how was Sultan if anyone watched? Bc I haven't seen it yet due to summer hw...*le sigh*

Love ya,


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