11 || Mera

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"Look, Abhi I can't go out in public." Rohan said into the phone as Jasmine got ready in her room or technically my room.

"Why?" Abhi responded

"Why?" Rohan sighed, "Look. If you can't do it, just get Shayana to drop her off. I can't go man, this is about me trying to get my image as a rocker intact...I can't be seen with Jasmine."

"Look dude, I love you bro...but I already have plans and you know that having Shayana and Jasmine together isn't the best idea."

Rohan sighed, knowing that he was right.

"I'm ready!" Jasmine sang coming out.

"Okay talk to you later." He hung up.

"There's no way you're leaving the house looking like that." Rohan stated after taking in her appearance.

Jasmine looked down at her clothing, "What's wrong with it?"

"What's wrong with it?" Her father repeated.

He shook his head, "As long as you're in my care, that is the last time you wear average looking clothes. I'm sure that one of these days, Shayana auntie will take you shopping for some brand name clothing. I can't have you looking average."

She shrugged, "I guess."

Rohan rolled his eyes and took her bags from her, "Let's get you signed up."

Jasmine smiled flashing her white pearl, which took Rohan by surprise, not expecting her smile to seem so similar to Aarohi.

"Rohan. STOP. I said stop jaan." Aarohi said out of breath.

Rohan just smirked, "Say you love me and I'll stop."

"Iloveyou." She said super fast.

Rohan on the other hand didn't seem to like that answer as he continued to tickle her.

"ROHAN!" She shouted, "I LOVE YOU." Aarohi fell on the bed with Rohan falling besides her.  Rohan couldn't help but admire her radiant smile, it was one of things that he admired about her.

They laid together in silence, only the sound of their heartbeat could be heard.

"Do you really mean it?" Rohan timidly questioned after a while.

"Kya?" (What?) Aarohi turned so that her face was toward him.

"Ro. You're the best thing that could ever happen to me. You love me and you're asking me if I love you? Tum pagal hain. (You're crazy.) I love you." With that she turned her whole body and cuddle into him and kissed him.

"Sooo...can I call you Daddy?"  Jasmine question brought him but from the flashback as he hit the brakes at the stop light. Rohan just didn't know how to answer that. He knew that she called him at in front of his parent because she was in a way teasing him but when they were alone she never really called him anything. So Rohan did what he knew best and completely changed the topic.

"I got a better question for you, where's your mother and why did she just allow you to just appear at my flat without anyone with you? At least she could have sent Vivek." If Rohan would have looked at a second earlier, he would have seen the distraught look on her face.

"Vivek uncle is..." Jasmine paused looking outside, "Dead."

Rohan immediately felt horrible after seeing the sadden look on Jasmine's face.

"Hey aren't you suppose to be in school?" Rohan asked, grabbing his daughter's attention.  

"In America, we get to have summer off." She responded. Her father on the other hand didn't seem convinced.

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