12 || Kriti's backkk

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"Come mate, I haven't seen for like a month and do I need to remind you that your comeback album is releasing? How do you expect for your album to get any press if no one has seen your ass for like a month?" Ajay exclaimed into his phone.

He knew that his friend was stubborn but didn't know that he was this stubborn. Usually Rohan would never say no to drinks and now suddenly he doesn't want to drink at all?

"Look Jay...my life is kinda a mess right now. I don't think going out from drinks will help me." Rohan responded calmly into the phone as he walked around his home, looking for Jasmine.

Ajay sighed, "I guess I understand. Your girl just came back from Singapore and you probably want to..."

That stopped Rohan in his tracks.

"Wait what?!" He exclaimed.

"Kriti came back from Singapore like five hours I thought that-" Ajay didn't have a chance to respond as Rohan hung up on him.

"Jasmine! Aye Jasmine aap kahaan hain?!"( Where are you? ) Rohan yelled.

When no response came back, he become to panic. He quickly ran room to room for her until it hit him that he forgot to pick her up from her vocal practice.

"Oh crap."

Mera's POV.

My heart went out for Jasmine as she stared at her watch once again. Rohan was once again late for the fourth time and this time I was not going to let him get away with it.

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Rohan Nanda had a child.

Who was even stupid enough to leave him with a child?

Actually the better questions are: where is Aarohi? And why isn't Rohan trying to contact her?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Rohan running through the door scanning the room until his eye fall on Jasmine. He let out a sigh and went straight towards Jasmine, who was getting her stuff ready to leave.

"Jasmine. I got held up-" Rohan started but I wasn't going to let him finish his lame excuse.

"What kind of parent are you, Mr. Nanda?"

"Excuse me?" He had the audacity to be offended.

"Jasmine can you please go and check if everything is place away in the studio, please" I asked sweetly. My glare never leaving Rohan's face.

Once Jasmine was completely out of the earshot, Rohan exploded.

"Why did you send her away? Mera I'm getting late and I'm here to pick up my daughter, so say what you have to say in five minutes or less."

"Rohan look I don't want any bad blood between us but you can't keep showing up late to pick up Jasmine, we're a vocalist training company not a daycare center."

Rohan exhaled deeply but kept quiet.

"If you keep doing this, how do you think your daughter is going to feel?"

That got Rohan's attention, "Why did she say something?"

Third pov.

Mera shook her head.

"No. She doesn't have too. It doesn't take a genius a figure out how disappointed Jas is whenever some father walks through the door, hoping that it's you to pick her up on time."

"She knows that I can't pick her up on time because of my position-"

"Rohan, I know that you'd like to think that you're famous but honestly Rohan the paparazzi isn't stalking you every moment, you know."

Rohan opened his mouth but could find a way to find to defend himself plus he knew that every word that Mera said to him was true.

"Look Rohan what I want is for you to be a good father and make Jas feel like the princess that she is. You've probably missed many birthday and milestones in her life, just try to be there for her. Communication works both ways."

Rohan shook his head, She had no idea what he was doing through to judge him on his parental skills. He was done talking to her.

"Well Mera, come talk to me when you have kids, okay? Until then please refrain from giving me advice on how to take care of child."

Mera stiffed up, she looked at him in shock.

"JASMINE! We're getting late. Let's go." He yelled. Immediately Jasmine appeared at his side.

"Good day Mera." He sneered.

"Bye Mr. Nanda. Bye Jasmine." She replied with her widest smile.

"Where are we going?" Jasmine questioned as she noticed that they were not heading the same route leading home.

"We're going to pick up Kriti." Rohan said absent mindedly.

"My girlfriend." He added.

"Oh." Jasmine responded. Rohan glanced at her, she seemed calm almost too calm. He half expected her to lose her cool, but surprising she didn't. He wondered if she got that from Aarohi or him, she was just to calm for his liking.

"I swear I wasn't flirting with her Jaan." Rohan said for the last time yet Aarohi refused to say anything. She just gave him the silent treatment.

"Babu, Jannu." Rohan cooed as he tried to hug her from the back.

Keyword: tried.

Every time he would get close, Aarohi pushed him away.

"I thought you said that she was like your sister. You didn't tell me that you dated her in college." She said harshly as she open her fridge.

Rohan scratched the back of his neck, "Baby, she's married now. And I wasn't flirting."

Aarohi didn't say a word as she poured out her orange juice.


Again no response.

"I never really had feelings for her. I just thought that I loved her. But the type of love that I had for her was as a friend...and then she became a sister figure."

Aarohi's glare on him soften.

"I was never mad at you jaanu. I just wanted for you to confess what Shayana is to you."

Rohan rose his eyebrow in confusion, "I don't get it? What does my relationship with Shayana matter?"

Aarohi patiently place the orange juice that she was drinking from down on the table.

"When we first met, you were writing her love songs. Love songs, Rohan."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you Jaanu." Rohan exclaimed, "She never really meant anything to me but insurance...insurance that I could function. Otherwise I would have lost my will to live a long time ago."

"But you meri jaanu, is the reason why I enjoy life. If you ever leave me, I don't know what will happen to me."

Before he knew it, Aarohi's arms were wrapped around his neck, "I'll never leave you." she said as she lips found his.

Author's Note

Wow. It's been a while since I've updated but hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.

Who's ready to see Kriti and Jasmine together? lol

I've planned out at least 5 more chapter before the story ends but my plans never get executed the way I want them to.

Which movies are you looking forward to watching?

I'm super excited for Ok Jaanu!!!!


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