14 || Jasmine Ki birthday

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"Happy Birthday to you."

Jasmine smiled. She wasn't expecting her father to come so early or even remember her birthday. However he claimed that he just wanted to keep it a surprised since he didn't have enough time to get all the things for her birthday. Jasmine couldn't believe her eyes when Rohan come back with a huge cake and  bags of presents.

At that point her grandparents were shocked as well. But Rohan ignored them as he grabbed her into a bone crushing hug.  She had no idea what was happening but she didn't question it. For once in her life, she had her father there for her birthday but also didn't have her mother.

"Make a wish Jas." Rohan called out, taking Jasmine away from her thoughts.

She stared at the candle and wished for the only thing she wanted: a family. Then blew it out with hope.

The door bell went off. She looked at Rohan in confusion. He shrugged as his mother went to open the door.

"Shayana?" His mother exclaimed,  attacking her in a huge hug and then did the same with Abhi.

Of course Rohan couldn't have help but feel jealous as his father gave Abhi a warm hug. Luckily Jasmine caught her father's uncomfortable look and managed to distract him by giving him another hug.

This time it was Rohan who was caught off guard but took the in the hug as he wrapped his arms around Jasmine drawing her closer to him. For the first time Rohan actually took a proper look at his daughter. She was so skinny that he could have easily lifted her off of the ground. Yet her cheeks were so chubby. A feeling of regret arouse in him that he wasn't able to hold her a baby or be there for her as she took her first steps.

"Thank you, papa." She said loud enough for her and Rohan to hear, taking him away from his thoughts.

"You're welcome beta." He said, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead.

As much as Jasmine wanted the embrace to last longer, she had to break out of it when Abhi and Shayana approached her and both carried presents.

"Happy Birthday!" They exclaimed.

Abhi bent down to her level and gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Then Shayana bent down as well.

"I'm sorry, Jasmine. I know that you don't like me but I hope you can forgive my rude behavior I was just looking after your papa."  She offered a smile and opened her arms.

Jasmine nodded, "It's okay Aunty." She said taking the hug.

For Shayana, she took this hug as a truce and was already planning her shopping trips with Jasmine.  However Jasmine knew that her mother would want her to forgive Shayana, therefore she did.  

 "Rohan, can I talk to you?" Mr. Nanda called as Jasmine talked to Shayana and Abhi.

Rohan wanted to ignore him but knew that it would end badly if he didn't obey his father. Excusing himself from his mother, he followed his father outside.

"Where is Aarohi?"

Rohan should have expected him to say that since apparently everyone knew that Jasmine was her daughter.

"She's out of town." Rohan replied without missing a beat.

"The truth, Rohan." His father narrowed his eyes.

"She's somewhere, she'll be back...soon."

"And what if she doesn't?"  These questions kept annoying Rohan.

"Jasmine will stay with me until she does return."

"And if she doesn't?" His father insisted.

"Then I'll take full custody of her." Rohan snapped without even processing the words that flew out of his mouth, taking his father by surprise as well.

"Remember what I told you. Zindagi mein kuch banu ya na banu...Aapse behtar Dad zaroor banuga, Dad. [Whether I become anything in life or not...But I will be a better Dad than you Dad.] Now I'd like it if you would let me handle my own life since you never cared to begin with." He said looking his father in the eye before heading back to his daughter.

But this chat with his father made Rohan realize...What if Aarohi wasn't coming back?

Author's Note:

You have no idea how long I've waited to use that line from SOTY again! That probably has to be my favorite line that Rohan says in the entire film tbh. I have to say that the was probably of the lines that led to write this!

P.S the gif is from tumblr I just added them together for this chapter. I didn't make that gif

Anyway this was a the second part of the chapter that many of you requested. I feel like I don't say this often but thank you so much for the love and support that you have given this story <3. It means the world to me, you have no idea.

Do you think that Jasmine's wish of having a family will be fulfilled?

Kaabil or Raaes, which one did you like? I'm curious bc I've not seen any new movies lately...I'm excited for Jolly LLB 2 coughcoughimayormaynothavegotten mytwitterquestionansweredbyhumaandakshayinthebollywoodhungmainterview coughcough whoops

How many of you can't wait to see Aarohi in flesh in the story? *hinthint* Or do you prefer my flashbacks? haha

Okay so this isn't official or anything but I was chatting with my ppls on twitter and they think I should write a prequel to this story...what are your thoughts on this?

Anyways...Enjoy the rest of your day/night,


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