16 || Aarohi

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"Kya you ran away from your babysitter?"

"What?! No, I just lied to her," Jasmine said stuffing her mouth with food, "So that I can find you."

"Rohan calm down."Kriti said as she noticed that they were drawing attention from the others.

Rohan run his hand through his hair in frustration.

His phone vibrated, so he took a deep breath and sat down.


"Where are you at?"  Abhi said from the other line nervously.

"Out eating lunch with Kriti and Jasmine." Rohan said ignoring Abhi's unusual tone.


"At Fisherman's Wharf."

"Oh cool, I was just checking up on you."

Rohan shook his head, "Alright see ya later." He placed his phone away.

He knew that Jasmine didn't like Kriti but he never expected her to follow him to his lunch date with Kriti.

"Now I want to know why you came here?" Rohan stated as he place his phone back into his pocket.

"Rohan." Kriti warned.

"I didn't like that babysitter."

"What was wrong with her?"

"She kept talking about how sexy you are." Jasmine said casually.

Rohan spat out his water as Kriti looked at him with widen eyes.  


"I didn't know that she was like that. She seemed qualified enough."

Kriti sighed.

Just then a beautiful lady was stomping towards them with her heels clicking with every step. At first, Rohan nor Jasmine noticed but as the clicking got louder, it caught the attention of all three.

Rohan could only stare at the lady in front of him. Ten years had done her well, her black dress hit all the curves in the right places. Her oily black hair had been colored with blonde streaks. Her face however did not change at all, it still carried the radiance. Appearance may change a woman but Aarohi was still Aarohi.

"Momma?" At the same time Rohan exclaimed, "Aarohi?"

However all Aarohi saw was red. She had just come back from her trip from India, only to find her daughter missing.Then she had to take another flight all the way from California to London. Between her and the jetlags that she encountered, she was not the happiest person.

So imagine how she felt when she  found out that Jasmine found Rohan, she almost had a heart attack.

Running behind her Abhi shouted, "Guys Aarohi..." Abhi panted, "She's coming." Unaware of the fact that she was in front of him.

"Oh wow. Hi Aarohi, you're looking very stunning." He said nervously looking down as she turned around.

"Tum!" (You.) She cried out, pointing her finger at him, "I'm going to kill you."

"Mama?" Jasmine called again.

Aarohi's glare on Abhi immediately soften as she turned around and took her little girl into a huge hug. Whereas, Rohan just felt like his world just shattered. He was paralyzed and could only watch.

However the hug was short lived as Jasmine began to choke. Her face started turning red.


"Rohan what was she eating?" Abhi said.

Rohan blinked.

"She's allergic to fish." Aarohi cried as she cradled Jasmine in her arms.

Luckily for Rohan, Kriti was fast on her feet as she immediately dug into the food that Jasmine was eating minutes before, "They have fish! We have to get her to the closest hospital. Now!"

Seeing Jasmine's face in pain was all it took to shake Rohan out of his paralyzed state. He quickly moved towards her, taking her from Aarohi's grip and taking her inside a taxi that Abhi in the midst manage to stop.

"Go. We'll catch up with you later."

Aarohi followed him into the car, "We need to get to the hospital right now, my daughter is having an allergic reaction. NOW."

Jasmine weakly hugged her father's body as Aarohi searched her bag for an auto injector. Once she found, "Hold her down." She instructed as she injected Jasmine.

"Rghhhmmm." Jasmine moaned in pain as Rohan rocked her back and forth.

"Papa's got you. We'll be at the hospital soon."

Rohan didn't even wait for the taxi to stop as he quickly pushed through the door and ran into the ER room, "My daughter she had an allergic reaction."  

Doctors rushed to his side, taking Jasmine onto a stretcher as both Aarohi followed from both sides.

"I had an auto inject that I used her on to help keep the swelling down." Aarohi explained.

The Doctor nodded and stopped both parents from entering the room, "Please wait here."  

The moment the Doctor left, Aarohi glared at Rohan, "You are so lucky that I haven't  got your ass thrown in jail yet."

That took Rohan by surprise, "Excuse me. I didn't even know that I had- "

"And what? Jasmine is in the hospital because you couldn't even take care of her properly."

This is set Rohan on fire, "Oh yeah. Where the hell have you been for the past five months?"

"Vivek was going through chemo therapy."

"I thought that Vivek was dead."

"Dead? Rohan...what?"

"Look I think we need to talk." He sat down on a waiting room chair and patted a seat next to him. Aarohi reluctantly sat down and waited to get an explanation for this craziness.

As both Aarohi and Rohan discussed, guests become to trickle in and eventually filled up the room.

The nurse seemed overwhelmed by the crowd as she walked into the room, "May I talk to the parents of Jasmine?"

Both Aarohi and Rohan stood up from their conversation mid way, " That's us."

The nurse smiled, "Your child will be okay. The auto injector was a smart move, it saved her life. However we will have to keep her overnight." Aarohi cried of relief when she heard the new as Kriti hugged Rohan.

"Only two at a time may see her." The nurse added before walking away.

Rohan looked at Aarohi, "Let's go see her." He said taking her hand, guiding her into Jasmine's room.  

Author's Note:

Finally Aarohi is in the picture! Whatcha think of this chapter?

I know that she didn't appear the way that you wanted her to but...she's here.

Now Rohan and Aarohi have a lot to discuss. What do you think is going to happen to Jasmine? This story is getting exciting to write now that Aarohi is here in flesh and blood.

And Omg Harsh. Rane replied to my DM on twitter and call his baba... and I died and went to heaven. He's so sweet! 


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