Part 2

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There he is. My idol, Nash Grier, is here at my orphanage to adopt someone! What if it's me... But then I remember that, hey, I'm 15, he'll probably want a younger kid...

Well, I might as well make the most of him being here... I turned around and took a selfie with Nash and Cam in the background, and tagged them.

Suddenly, Nash picked up his phone and looked at something. I was wondering if he had seen my post, when he told Mrs.Alexa he knew what kid he wanted.

I was heartbroken. He hadn't even talked to me yet. At least Carlz has a chance, she talked to Cameron and he seemed to like her. I gave her a big bear hug as she began to cry. Then Cameron looked at us.

Cameron whispered something in Nash's ear, then said the same to Mrs.Alexa. We were all dismissed to our rooms. Once we me and Carly went upstairs she looked so upset.

"I don't think we're getting adopted ever Leah..." She said sadly. I sat by her and put my arm around her comfortingly.

"Listen to me Carlz, you are a beautiful young woman who is smart and has a fantastic personality! I promise you yo-" I was inturrupted by Mrs.Alexa knocking on the door.

"You two. Pack your stuff. You're outta here." She said. I couldn't belive it. me and Carly BOTH got adopted!!!

We began to pack our stuff when I asked, "wait, who adopted us?" Carlz nodded in agreement, wondering as I was.

"That Nash kid wants you Leah, Mr.Dallas wants Carly" she said.
I froze. Nash. Of all people. Was going to adopt me.

This morning I woke up. Thinking I'd never be adopted and now, I'm packing my bags, to go live with my ALL TIME IDOL. AND MY BEST FRIEND IS BEING ADOPTED BY HIS!!!

Adopted by Nash Grier (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now