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The brilliant shades of onyx and aqua glass shimmer above my head. Swaying and tinkering merrily in the dark oak trees. The warm breeze winds its way swiftly through the knit tight cluster of trees.

The woven emerald grass flattens as the wind picked up to a pitch that sounds like a howl. The moon hangs dark and heavy in the sky, it seemed like it was sinking every second, slowly but surely taking away my cover of darkness.

My breathing quickens as my feet rush me through the trees, my long tattered clothing fluttering uselessly behind me and my hands reach blindly ahead of me trying to find an undisturbed path.

Rocks dig into my foot causing me to stumble and fall onto the ground in an ungraceful heap. I cry out as the moist dirt presses roughly into my fresh cuts. I hear tyres squeal and motors hum, the sounds cutting into the silent woods.

My heart sputters and skips one or two beats as I freeze. I slowly unwind my tense muscles and move ever so slowly towards the steep hill I had spied earlier. Once I found a few bushes halfway down the steep slope I swiftly manoeuvre myself into their prickly depths and wait.

Engines roar closer and closer to my hiding spot. They were looking for something,

they were looking for someone,

they were looking for me.

The motors engines were cut and silence thickened the air. Boots crunch over the ground and I scuttle further back into my makeshift shelter. The heavy steps continued to draw closer and closer to me, I stopped breathing, my lungs refusing to breathe any air. Guttered voices are all I could hear and they fill all of my senses with terror.

A man hushes the voices and one set of feet continue to creep closer until I could hazily see his form through the foliage. The tracker halts and fabric rustles as it settled onto the ground. His head inches upwards as his eyes found his target.


His long legs unfurl as he takes monstrous steps- his boots shaking the very ground as he lunges into the bushes and yanks my arm out, ultimately pulling my battered body out of my protection and out into the traitorous moons' rays.

The guttered voices start up again as the rest of the tracking team race towards their prize.


Hands reached for me, grabbing, twisting, and pulling me through the forest. I let myself go limp, my energy and spirit depleted I let myself be dragged through dark wood towards the onyx and aqua glass that were now as silent as the wind. Blackness overtakes my vision. My consciousness is fading as I dully realize that the disgusting creatures were shoving needles into my arms. One came in then out, another replaced it. My eyes hazily trace their progress, everything muffled until I saw nothing but white.


Coldness is all I feel as I begin to have a consciousness again. I wish I didn't. The concrete floor stinks of terror and blood, I slowly extend my arm, my fingers shakily filling the tiny cracks and crevasses. My limbs and nails are crusted with dirt and blood. I gradually heave myself up into a semi sitting position; the wall mostly taking my weight.

My eyes felt like lead as I lift my head to stare blankly around the room that I had grown so accustom to. The air was damp and stale. Nothing was fresh about it. Unlike the woods.

There, even for a few small minutes I felt free. For the first time in my life even, I felt free. Here it was the opposite. It felt like a place where dreams and hopes come crashing down. Crashing down to die.

soooooo yeaaa...... tell me what ya think! Vote & comment :)

Inkflower x

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