So Sorry

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”No! Justin Timberlake is so totally cool,” Tazmin whispered fiercely. Her expression meant death. She had a slight build, a small heart shaped face and fair sandy hair that haloed it. She had a fun and quiet personality but she also had a temper that could change quickly.

“He makes me gag just thinking of him!” Hailey retorted. Contrary to Tazmin, Hailey had a loud and giggly persona. She was always getting into trouble but never seemed to care. She had luminescent red hair that fell in tight coils of curls and always escaped her hair tie. She was forever pulling at her hair to make it go straight like Tazmin’s.

“How can you say that? Tazmin looked befuddled. “He has an awesome voice ….. And those eyes... Ahhhh, heaven.”

“As if!” Hailey flamed back. “He has no style and when he sings it sounds like a cat screaming its head off!

He’s a washed up singer with no talent!” With that comment, Tazmin visibly shrank into her chequered dress. Her eyes looked forlorn amidst her already paling face. She always looked like this when she was about to burst into tears. Her face screwed up and she fled the playground. Hailey realised that she took it one step too far yet she was still angry with Tazmin for liking Timberlake. Hailey fumed as she thought more about her heated exchange with Tazmin and she stormed off the playground, thankful that is was three fifteen - home time.

Hailey felt awful as she walked the streets that were covered in brown leaves.

They made a soft crunching sound under her ballet flats. The crisp autumn air was pleasant to breathe in - it helped her to clear her head. Autumn was Hailey’s favourite season of the year. “I’ll clear the air with Taz tomorrow,” she thought, but Tazmin wasn’t at Junior Mount Marybeth school the next day. Hailey stamped her foot in frustration as she circled the playground for the fifth time, finally realising Tazmin was not there.

The day dragged on slowly. Hailey had never been a model student so she was always grateful she had Taz to help her and they often liked to slip notes to each other about their Maths teacher, Mr Rosegauge.

At lunch Hailey had no one to hang out with but thankfully Taylor and Skye’s gang asked her to play with them. Hailey sat quietly as the others played a silly game. This was very unlike her because she was usually up the front doing something silly too. It was usually Taz who hung at the back.

That night, Hailey was determined to call Tazmin and clear the air between them.  She threw her bag onto her bed which landed with a thump and rushed to the phone nervously dialling Tazmin’s number and wondering if Taz would pick up or if she would even want to talk?

Hailey had no time to think anymore - the phone was already ringing. After a few rings, the line picked up and a crackly voice pushed through. “Hello?”

 “Hey, Mrs Robeson. May I speak to Taz for a sec please?” Hailey knew good manners were a must in the Robeson household. “Sure darling,” Mrs Robeson replied.

“Yes, I’m in!” Hailey whispered to herself and punched the air with her fist. She heard a lot of noise and shouting on the receiving end until a faint, apologetic voice returned to the phone. It was Tazmin’s mum. “Sorry, she’s at Cherry’s house…” then the line went dead.

The next day, the weather matched Hailey’s mood perfectly. She wound her scarf tight around her neck and put on her gloves that reached her elbows. She grumbled about the weather as the wind whipped her ankles fiercely as she walked.

She kicked her way through the falling leaves making them swirl and gently lift away from her. Thunder growled a warning right before a torrent of rain burst from the black, dismal sky.

When Hailey arrived at school, the playground was deserted. Looking quickly at her watch, she found that she was late by a few minutes so she ran quickly to class.

At recess, Hailey found Taz playing with Jasmine. She was an Asian girl with a slight frame who had recently moved from Bangkok. Hailey turned away and hung out with Taylor instead.

When lunch came, the sky was clear. Hailey ran up to Tazmin, grabbing her by her wrist and declared a stream of apologies. She waited for Tazmin to reply but Tazmin remained silent. Instead, Tazmin grabbed her friend and pulled her in tightly for a warm embrace.

Hailey assured Taz that she would never upset her like that again and Taz beamed with delight at the reality of having her best friend back.

btw's Justin Timberlake is one sexy man.....

Inkflower x

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