Letters Of Simplicity

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My dearest Elena,

 I know you are long gone and are probably getting irritated by my constant writing but I must tell you my wonderful news!

 I met a girl.

 I saw her underneath the ancient oak trees that marked the boundary of my father’s farm; the doves were nesting in the branches above. Oh Elena! She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid eyes on. With sun-kissed golden hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen! They sparkle like two of the brightest sapphires known to man!

 Oh, and that wonderful smile that never seems to leave her lips enthralls me. Not only is her outer self-beautiful but her inner self is even more radiant. I enquired with vigor as to her name but alas the townfolk revealed to me a fact that devastates me so.

 She and I are from different worlds you see. She, Lady Camilla Cortz, is the daughter of our region’s wealthiest man. Her kind of wealth and statues would never look once at a farm boy such as myself.

 Yet I shall persevere! Wealth and her status in England shall not barricade me from seeing her again.

. . . . . . . . . . . ..

 I have yet to fill you in on the recent events concerning Lady Camilla.

 I approached her! Elena you would be so proud of your brother. Ever since I first saw her beneath the oak trees early this morning, I prayed to our Lord that I should see her beautiful soul again and my wish was granted! I saw her in our market place that very afternoon. I saved her from being trampled by a run-away stallion. Our eyes connected and it felt like love at first sight.

 Yours eternally,

 Lucas Blake

 Mkkk so this was something I had to come up for in english and I thought i'd include it into my collection of short stories. It’s based on Romeo + Juliet, I also thought it was a nice change of pace- instead of all dark and dreary have something soft and romantic. Sometimes I wonder how I spewed out those cheesy words.... also these letters arn't finished yet i will have another two journal entries for you.

 Inkflower x

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