My Dark Dream

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The evacuations started today. The farmers next door, a few miles down the road, started to scream a volley of curses that woke me up at dawn. The pink and yellow streaks formed a halo around our farms. The screams and sobbing echoed over the land, shattering every eardrum within distance of the hysterics.

I tried, I really tried to cover the shouting but nothing could be done to help. I saw flashes of blue uniforms and blazing torches.

The window was encased with frost; my breath steamed out making the glass full of speckled mist. The wood sounded like it groaning and screaming pleads. I saw flames spiking out of the ground. It devoured the house whole, only leaving a thin corpse behind. It roared mightily, its hunger never satisfied.

I tried to scream to someone - anyone - but no sound came out. I was petrified that the lack of oxygen and flying sparks would disturb the flowers. I saw the flames eat up the ground as they moved swiftly towards our flower farm. This time I could move. I ran screaming down the hall begging Uncle or Bull to wake up. Tears swept down my cheeks and poured to the ground.

I ran outside and ran madly to the pump. Sloshing water into a metal bucket, I pelted to the far side of the massive field where the flowers were mostly ablaze. A slight breeze waffled up, spraying dust, dead petals and ash into my face.

I ran until it felt like forever. I threw the icy substance onto the wilting flowers. The flames licked at my hair while doing so. The flames died then and there. I turned around and saw a charred, desolate wasteland with a forlorn looking house.  

When I looked at the mentally disturbing vision I saw no Uncle or Bull and no Auntie. I tried calling them for hours but was only met with a deathly silence. I was standing alone...

I woke up with a jolt. My heart was pounding. I quickly unravelled myself from my blanket and stumbled to the frost-encased window and looked out shyly at the plain. I saw what felt like a dream… a golden dream.

My dark nightmare was over… Or was it?

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Inkflower x

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