The Room

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The high walls cried the paint off them. Once an appealing flush of pink, now, a dying shade of red.  It was actually quite fitting. The blood like paint dripped from the walls and spanned its anger and sadness, suffocating the once beautiful room.

There once was a rug. I could tell it had imprinted itself onto the slowing sinking rotting floorboards.  It was ornate. Custom made, one of a kind. I had never seen anything like it. It was magnificent even in it deprived state. I risked a step into haunting room, full of reminiscences of a young girl’s life. The house was an enigmatic.

The room had a presence of a beating heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. It was after all in the middle of the manor. Could be described as the heart of the house. I could feel the sadness, anger and a feeling of something lost pouring from the heart of the house.

I could even taste it. It was threatening overwhelming, the senses I was drowning in. Fear is easily obtained; I was already feeling its claw like daggers sinking into my flesh.

 The ragged curtains floated erratically in the emotionless wind, the purple texture had a faded quality. A marble like veranda had assembled itself and regally shoved its way out through the shattered arched windows.

Half of it was crumbled, plaguing the courtyard and covered in dead roses.  The thorny flower meant for Love shoved its way up the three story manor and was creeping craftily and laced itself around the remains of the once elegant veranda.

The smell was enticing me forward. Just one step. A mirror dangled from a flimsy nail just one little tug and it was finished. I looked at the mirror; it was spotted with black venom from age.

Ok so i wrote this in maths class one day cuz maths is just boring as fuck. Anyway i didnt actually finish it and i dont know if i should. please comment if so

Inkflower x

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