Letters Of Simplicity Part II

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My dearest Elena,

 Camilla and I have met time and time again, stealing moments with each other just talking and laughing! Oh how being with her beautiful self fills me up with outmost joy. For you see Elena . . .

 I am in LOVE.

 It is the most incredible feeling in the world! I feel like I could move a whole mountain! I kissed her for the first time only just days ago; it felt like I had ascended to heaven early, it was just that incredible!

 Oh I wish I could see Camilla again just to feel that magical feeling when she is near, alas she must be kept near her manor house for there have been raids on nearby towns. Our whole town and other villages near us are becoming fearful and rounding up men of all ages to help fight against these fiends.

 But I have more information to share with you! Camilla is in love with me! She said so in our last meeting on a grassy hill behind my farm. Oh I do so feel not as lonely in this dark world anymore, I feel filled with such light. Something I haven’t felt in such a long time.

 Ever since . . . the Accident, all Iv felt is darkness. But to me, Camilla is my ray of light that diminishes all my demons.

 Yours eternally,

Lucas Blake

Inkflowerx :) 

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