Chapter 1: try again

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I've wanted to write a texting fic for a while. I really hope you guys enjoy it.

hey sorry um, you wrote your number down on a book i took from the campus library and i was wondering why you did it

that was kind of direct wasn't it?

Sorry if it sounded rude.

I just don't think people should write on library books you know.

I mean it's not really YOURS

and what if a serial killer borrows the book

he could call you

and kill you



try again


You can do better than "um..hi?" honey come on

um ok. look i'm pretty sure you don't know me so..

Anyone can do better than that honey

Stop calling me honey

Why? Does it bother you?


Alright sorry.

Are you gonna tell me why you wrote your number on a library book?



I like to keep an air of mistery


...I also get bored a lot and like talking to new people.

Oh. That makes sense

I get bored a lot too




You already said that

You said i should try again!

I wanted you to try HARDER


Meaning I want you to charm me, sweep me off my feet, make me fall right into your arms like a damsel in distress, make me want to ravish you. Seduce me random stranger

a) ohmygod
b) why would i do that?
c) i don't know how to seduce people
d) you seem kinda pervy for a person who writes on YA books
e) ohmygod

Those were some very mixed  reactions buddy

Also seducing people is easy I do it all the time

Scream Text Me Into Falling For You  (Malec AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ