Chapter 9: Lewis Gets Punched PART 1

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"I need your help"

Those were the first words Magnus heard when he answered the call from Raphael Santiago.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Worry quickly spread through his body, he involuntarily tightened his grip on the steering wheel of his car. He clenched his teeth and took a deep breath before asking:

"what did you do this time?"

He heard faint laughter on the other line.

"Relax Bane, it's not that serious"

Raphael Santiago was a problematic guy, that much he knew.

They had met a year before when Magnus was still struggling to find a job and needed a roomate to help him pay rent. At the time, Raphael was in what you would call a dark place, the idiot had gotten himself enrolled in some trouble with the law thanks to some stupid stoner guys he used to hang out with. His mom almost had a heart attack when she found out and Raphael decided that moving out would be the best choice for the both of them at least until things calmed down, and that's how he became the constant moody presence in Magnus's apartment. Ragnor and Raphael quickly established a strong friendship (for reasons still unknown to Magnus) and they both made it their life mission to tease and annoy him endlessly, needless to say Raphael was welcomed into Magnus's inner friend circle without protest. Magnus couldn't recall how many times he had had to go out in the middle of the night in search of raphael only to find him beating the shit out of someone a couple blocks away. And even though Raphael had been a violent and stubborn pain in the ass for most of the time he lived with him, Magnus had grown quite attached to the kid. He was proud to say that he played a small part on Raphael's recovery and he had even helped Raphael reconcile with his mom after various failed attempts. He hadn't gotten in trouble in a while as far as Magnus was concerned, which is why those four words at this time at night bothered him so much. What could Raphael possibly need help with? and more importantly, why would he ask help from Magnus specifically? This had to be bad.

"What. Did. You. do"

"I got kicked out of the club and I need you to pick me up"


"Because I don't have a car?"

"You know that's not what I'm asking"

"I punched someone"

"I can practically hear you smiling knock it off"


"I've said it before and I'll say it again, you need to work on your anger issues Santiago"

"I'm trying Bane. Now would you stop judging and come pick me up. It smells like piss here"

"Perhaps I should let you learn your lesson"

"It wasn't even my fault"

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"I'm serious. This idiot knocked right into me and spilled his drink all over my new jacket"

"And you had to punch him for that?"

"Actually I punched the guy next to him by mistake"

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