Chapter 6: Aftermaths and Fan craze

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A/N: I'm writing this as my legs are being hit by a million tiny lasers (laser waxing) so don't expect it to be good or grammatically correct. Also I don't know if you guys have noticed but I can't handle commas, I am aware that I use them incorrectly but I just can't seem to get it right. I shall be punished by the punctuation gods. NEWS: This story will also be posted on ao3 from now on, the first chapter is up there rn. Do you know how hard it is to copypaste stories into ao3?? Answer: Very hard. I had to edit all the writing styles all over again and ugggh. ALSO HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD CAME OUT TODAY, you'll see that it affected my writing a bit.
This is kind of weird (and short) chapter but I hope you enjoy!

9:23 am

I hate u

excuse me?

what did I do


I'm hungover

Very hungover

And this is your fault



You said you were sad and lonely

So? Alcohol isn't solution for everything Alexander

Ok wow

You're actually mad at me


I was just trying to help last night.

Alec no

You don't have to be a dickhead

I'm messing with you

Well It's not funny

I didn't think you would think I was being serious

I did



U good?

I said "ok" didn't I?

Hmm. I'm not convinced

I'm fine geez

Right well

I have some news that will definitely make you forgive me

Wanna hear them?

I'm not mad. But sure

Last night my friend Ragnor threw up all over Camille


Oh my god

I accept your apology

Told ya

I need details

Well seems like I'm not the only one who decided to follow your advice

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