Chapter 11: Angels and Fashion

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A/N: hey guys! This is just an extra chapter before PART 3 of Lewis Gets Punched. It's actually a very important one and I realized I had to include it. This chapter was based on some awesome ideas my Ao3 readers gave me so I really hope you enjoy it. I wanna thank @melissa-bms for her continuous support and encouragement. She's a big fan of this fic and she has given me really amazing ideas for it aswell. That's it! Happy reading!

The universe had something against him. Magnus was almost positive that the Universe was set on making his life as difficult as possible.  He could almost heart it now, the stars and the galaxies all laughing at him

You see, Magnus was in what you would call a very messy situation, he was currently stuck knee deep in a mountain of what Magnus was sure were thousands of stylish and expensive outfits. Normally this would've been a very enjoyable experience for him, but time was running thin and he needed to get out. Now.
These annoyingly expensive pieces of clothing had been sent over to his workplace by some of the best fashion designers all over the country, they were usually stored in a massive space called The Runway Closet, even though it was more of a bank vault in Magnus's opinion. The Runway Closet was located
at the end of a lengthy corridor on the fifth floor, which just happened to be the floor Magnus worked in. From coats to leather boots, The  closet contained every piece of clothing Magnus had ever dreamed of owning. Sometimes, when the big boss was in a particularly good mood, he would let some of the employees take a few of the collections pieces, on the condition that they would be returned.
So when Magnus began imagining with vivid detail how his first meeting with Alec would play out, his mind couldn't help but wander to the oh-so-cherised Closet.
Magnus was sure of one thing, he wanted to make an impression, he wanted Alec to fall asleep thinking about him and how irresistable he had looked in whatever amazing outfit he decided to wear that day. That day, as a matter of fact, was tomorrow.
With that in mind, Magnus had quickly called his boss and explained the situation, of course he didn't tell him he wanted to use the outfit to gl meet a guy he didn't even know personally, he just said there was a guy who he really really liked and wanted to impress, and his boss begrudgingly agreed to let him into The Runway Closet and pick out some stuff.

Which is how Magnus ended up tragically buried in silk and cotton.

Everything had started out fine, Magnus fought down his excitement as he stepped in to the huge space filled with the runway worthy garments, he felt like a kid in a candy store. Even though he felt a tremendous need to burst into song and perform an intricate dance number in the middle of the room that would have brought a broadway audience to tears, he composed himself enough to get to work fast. He needed to find the perfect outfit.

Three hours and 31 sparkly shirts later, he had yet to find what he was looking for. So far he had only managed to make a mess of a place he adored. His boss had told him not to be inside the building past 5 O'Clock since that was time when the doors to The Runway Closet would seal automatically and anyone in the room at the time would be trapped till the next morning, and as the clock got closer to the feared number 5 Magnus began to panic.

According to his wristwatch he had 56 minutes to clean the place up and find an outfit that would make Alec's head fall off.
He had tried to set himself free off the fashion mountain without stepping on any of the beutifully crafted attires but all his attempts ended in failure. He considered calling his dear friend Catarina for help but he could already hear her disapproving tone and her everlasting "I'm a nurse Magnus, I save LIVES, I don't have time for your ridiculous antics" speech.
No, Magnus was going to get out of this situation alive and well all by himself. But as he looked around at all the discarded pairs of pants lying all over the room he couldn't help but feel a little bit discouraged.

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