Chapter 12: Lewis Gets Punched PART 3

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A/N:  what is good writing? definitely not what you're about to read. I tried my best okay? I wrote this bit by but over the past three months and it's a bit cringy. I'm not proud of it.
At. All. But nevertheless I hope you enjoy it!

Good morning


Today is an exciting day

may I ask why

No you may not

It is a surprise


You shall see

Is this about your modelling thing



I don't like that laugh

Last time I heard that laugh I hit myself with a pole

Sucks to be you then

Magnus. Tell me

I have to go sorry

you're the worst

best* most charming* hottest*

I won't be persuaded

You'll fall under my spell soon enough


"for fuck's sake bane hurry the hell up"

"I'm finishing up my makeup. Pacience is key for a happy life santiago" Magnus said to the phone, trying to apply his glittery dark eyeliner without poking himself in the eye

"We're going to a coffee shop not a fashion show"

He sighed in annoyance. Raphael clearly did not understand the importance of a wow factor.

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't look fabulous"
He scrambled through the apartment trying to find an specific silver ring he knew would look amazing with his dazzling outfit

"This is about the lightwood boy isn't it?"

"Are you implying I actually need an excuse to want to look gorgeous?"

He spotted the ring sitting on the floor next to a box of shoes. He picked it up and put it on quickly.

"So it is about the lightwood boy. Look I'm not going to be late because of your stupid boyfriend so If you don't get out here in the next two minutes I'm leaving your glittery ass"

[Call with Raphael Santiago has ended]

"How rude" Magnus exclaimed to the empty room. Then again, Raphael had been waiting outside for almost half an hour.

He quickly scanned the room until he found his favorite black leather boots, he put them on as quickly as possible and then surveyed himself in the mirror.

The outfit was perfect, his makeup was perfect and his accesories were, as the kids say these days, on point.

He winked at himself in the mirror, Oh yes. Alec Lightwood was going to fall, hard.
Java jones was a relatively small coffee place, and as usual it was buzzing with costumers. Groups of sleep deprived teenagers piled against each other pushing and laughing at their own crazy antics.

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