Remus and Lily

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Okay so I've always imagined Remus and Lily being the best of friends.

Remus and Lily would eat chocolate and cuddle together on "their time of the month" and would throw things at whoever bugged them.

Then in the summer they would go to a muggle mall together and buy stuff for their boyfriends that will seem weird to them (because James and Sirius are both pureblood)

Remus would also lend Lily his jumpers + braid her hair and they would have conversations about Jame and Sirius then give each other love advice. Lily would be the first person to know (after McGonagall cause she is amazing and somehow knows everything.) about Remus' crush on Sirius because she is lily and just knows. Remus would also be the first one to find out that Lily secretly fancied James and ughhh I ship them so hard as best friends.

Not to mention that James and Sirius would get really jealous because they will mistake their friendship as more, just imagine:

*Lily and Remus cuddling in an arm chair in the Gryffindor  common room talking about how they love James and Sirius*

Sirius looks up and sees them across the room and quickly turns to James.

"Why the hell is that bitch cuddling with my bitch?" James looks up too and immediately gets extremely jealous like Sirius. 

"What the fuck, Padfoot tell Moony to back off." 

"Remus is obviously the victim here, look she is wearing one of Moony's jumpers."

"That's not fair no one can resist a Moony jumper."

"True, but Remus is almost as gay as me and that is a lot of gay."

"Guys stop being overly jealous and go over there and kiss your futures lovers already." Interrupted Peter.

'Shut up Wormtail!"

James and Sirius keep arguing about who apparently came on to who and Lily and Remus hear them from a far.

"Idiots." Lily mutters, but is smiling.

"Our idiots." Remus agrees, who is also smiling.

Eventually Remus and lily decide break up the fight when they hear Sirius say "I WILL TURN INTO A DOG AND PISS ALL OVER YOU JAMES, I WILL DO IT!"

But what no one knows is that Sirius will later shit in James' bed.....well he wasn't a dog when doing that and Peter walked in on him. Let's just say Peter was never quite the same after that.....

This is what mind thinks about at random times of the day, I apologize.

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