like father to son

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Let's imagine that Sirius didn't go azkaban and had to raise Harry (with Remus of course)

Imagine Sirius trying to teach Harry to prank at a young age and Remus being like "Sirius no." when Sirius is teaching him how to use dung bombs at age 5, but Sirius just says "Sirius Yes." and continues to before Moony tackles him.

Also imagine if Sirius and Remus meet all the Weasleys and when they see Ginny talking to Harry they say "Ship it." because Ginny reminds them of Lily and of course Harry reminds them of James. (But Sirius secretly ships Drarry also)

And when they see Ron and Hermione they ship it also because they remind Remus and Sirius of their younger selves. (Remus being like Hermione and Sirius being like Ron)

Then when Harry is talking to them about how he found out that Dean and Seamus were a couple and says "Blimey I never knew, like Hermione was always telling me about how they were cuddling and kissing each other all the time but I just thought they were really close!" They just begin laughing because James was so oblivious about Remus and Sirius being a couple also. 

Also let's also say Remus still taught in Harry's 3rd  year and when Harry conjured up a stag patronus in front of him and  he shreds a man tear because Harry is too much like James.

Let's also imagine Ron and Harry still flying a car in 2nd year to Hogwarts and Sirius sending a howler saying he is impress and Moony just yelling "SIRIUS NO" in the back round (saw that on tumblr)

I'm also imagining Sirius and Remus growing old together and AUUGG WHY COULDN'T THAT HAPPENED.



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