The Marauders as Social medias

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James: He is the Facebook and Twitter guy, always giving too much information in his status' and tweets.

Sirius: Tumblr and Ifunny, tumblr because he would make blogs about things he feels "personally attack" about (we all know that) and Ifunny because he loves laughing.

Remus: Tumblr, Instagram, and wattpad. Tumblr because of fanart and I feel like he would make a blog about how to be a civilized undercover werewolf, also he would follow so many fandom accounts.
And that's the same thing for Instagram, he would stalk his favorite celebrities, follow fan accounts of them and a lot of meme accounts. He would be walking trash. Also I know wattpad isn't really a social media but we all know he would be addicted to fanfic.

Peter: Instagram: he would take too many stylish pictures of his food. Other than that he knows next to nothing about the Internet.

Dumbledore: He would write fanfics of his ships at hogwarts and post them wherever he could, Remus would unsuspectedly be scrolling through wattpad one day and see a story called "Wolfstar— The gayest marauders" by a person with the username

Truth is though Remus would be obsess with Dumbledore's fanfics and not know it, he would be talking about how good this one fanfic is of LilyxJames (Jily or lames as Snape likes to call it) And Dumbledore would be passing by overhearing them and would say:
"Oh I know what you're talking about, isn't that the one story where James met lily in the forbidden forest- I think it was called 'forbidden love'— ah yes, that was a good read. It took me 5 months to write the first three chapters, what a beautiful story it was, one of my finest." And he would just walk away, leaving Remus stunned and make Remus think about possibly deleting his wattpad account.

But we all know he wouldn't, he would go up to Dumbledore and ask him "Hey, did you maybe write this fanfic called _ about me and Sirius." Dumbledore would say yes and then they would bond over the ships that they both ship.

I have thought too much about this happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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