How Marauders play truth and dare

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Sirius: Hey Moony remember when you dare me to stick my head in the toilet and I got stuck.

Remus: You mean that time I was telling you "No Pads don't stick your head in the toilet it's going to get stuck".


James- Loves to play truth and dare and never refuses a dare. He would rather jump off the astronomy tower than bring the shame of not completing a dare.

Sirius- He loves to play too but no one (but James) likes to play with him. He will make you tell the most embarrassing truths and do the craziest dares that after you play with him you will love to personally throw him off the astronomy tower. He will also always find a way to have a make-out session with Remus and claimed it was a "dare".

Remus: Only plays when Sirius is playing but other then that he really doesn't care.

Peter: Is the guy that always tells the most embarrassing truths but when it's his turn to dare someone he can never come up with any good dares.

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