James' and Harry's obliviousness

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I feel like we just need to talk about how obliviousness James' and Harry are. There is a million reasons they didn't make it into Ravenclaw (even though they are smart in their own ways)

For Harry there is this one example I saw one tumblr that I love. It's this :

Reason #37163, I also love how "reasons Harry isn't in Ravenclaw" is a really popular search

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Reason #37163, I also love how "reasons Harry isn't in Ravenclaw" is a really popular search.

Also Harry had to get his obliviousness somewhere, and no fucking way was it Lily.

We all know it would take James a million months to figure out that Sirius and Remus were together. They would be fucking kissing and James would walk in on them and think
"Huh, that's a cool tongue hand-shake they're doing." And not get the idea that they're gay as hell. (Well more Bi as hell for Remus but whatever)

I'm sorry to curse you guys with my short weird Harry Potter thoughts.

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