Chapter 5

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Normani's P.O.V

I woke up right after Y/N left to go get the door. It took me a while to realize what had happened between the two of us last night. The thought made me both happy and sad, sad because I have a boyfriend that I love and have loved for a long time now, happy because it was with Y/N. I have to admit I have grown a little crush on Y/N, he's  just so sweet and funny plus he compliments me almost everyday. Not to mention that he is gorgeous. Blushing at the thought my mind shifted to Brandon. Brandon. How am I going to explain to him where I was? How am I going to tell the man that I love I slept with someone else? This is going to be so messy.

I got up to get some clothes on, I hope Y/N doesn't mind me borrowing something to wear. Slipping on my underwear and an oversized shirt I made my way downstairs. I heard Y/N talking to someone, it sounded like a girl. I crept down the steps so they wouldn't hear or see me.

"Keana what are you doing here and why?" I heard Y/N growl.

"I missed you its been years Y/N, don't you miss me?" The mystery girl asked. I could see her trying to step inside the house but Y/N wouldn't let her.

"Why can't I come in? What's for me not to see?" She said trying to look over Y/N's shoulder. Y/N shuffled on her feet a bit.

"Because its private property and you're already trespassing so I think you should go." She said before try to push her away.

"Do you have one if your little sluts in there? You've always been one to grab and go. I feel bad for the next girl you're "with"." She said. Is Y/N a player? He can't be last night was filled with so much love and lust. I'll probably ask him about that. Why am I worried about that anyway, last night was a one time thing. Right? It shouldn't matter I have a boyfriend.

"No Keana that's not why you can't come in, and plus you cheated on me remember?" Y/N sounded as if she wrote getting annoyed. Should I step in?

"I remember, but that doesn't mean we can't give it another try." The girl I now know as Keane started to feel all over Y/N.

"Uhm yes it does. I can't be with you after what you put me through, and plus I've moved on." Y/N said. Keana's hands were still on Y/N's waist.

"Too bad, I bet you I can fuck you better than whoever you have in there." Yeah ok no I'm going in.

I walked over to where Y/N was standing at the door, I put my hands where Keana's no longer were.

"Hey Babe who's this?" I asked Y/N. She looked at me with a smile.

"She's just an old friend who was about to leave." He said. Keana looked between us and tightened her jaw.

"I'm actually Y/N's ex girlfriend. Who are you?" Keana stepped in.

"Oh well I'm Y/N's current girlfriend. May I ask what you're doing here? At our house?" I countered.

"I was just coming to see Y/N, its been a while." She said. I looked up at Y/N to find her already looking at me.

"Hm. Well babe you kind of just left me in bed, I missed you." I said while biting my lip and looking at Y/N. He blushed before clearing his throat.

"I was just coming as soon as she left." He said not so subtly nodding his head at Keana. I looked at Keana.

"Do you think that you could um leave? I don't mean to be rude or anything but you're interrupting our time together." I said. Keana looked hella annoyed.

"Y/N when she breaks your heart don't come crying back to me because I'm done." She spat angrily.

"We've been done now do you and I a favor and leave." Y/N said while faking a smile. I managed to hold in my laughter until Keana left.

"Do you think she fell for that?" I said through my laughter. Y/N laughed along with me.

"I think so, she seemed pretty mad." She said as our laughter died down.

"So um Y/N...." I said breaking the comfortable silence.

"I know you wanna talk about last night." He said frowning.

"It's completely fine if you wanna leave now and not talk to me forever." He continued while walking to the sofa and sitting down.

"No no I would never do that it's just, I don't know how I'm gonna explain it to Brandon." I said sitting next to him. Y/N's face faltered a bit, he looked like he was thinking about something.

"I know you love him..but I think there is something that you need to know." He seemed hesitant on what he was about to tell me.

"What is it?" I asked.


Y/N's P.O.V

I really don't know if I should tell her or not. I mean is it my business? I could be the reason they break up. I'm too far in now though so I might as well tell her.

"Um last night at the party while you were talking with Ty and Lauren, I saw Brandon with this girl." I began, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Yeah..." She said urging me to continue.

"Well yeah um and they kissed, I don't know what happened after that because I brought you home." I told her.

"Thank you for telling me this Y/N." She said while giving me a hug. She stayed there for a while, soon enough I felt tears soaking my shirt. I rubbed circles on her back and we stayed there for about 10 minutes. Normani's breathing had slowed and I heard quiet snores coming from the now sleeping girl.

I carried her upstairs and laid her on the bed, I was about to walk away when she called me.

"Y/N." She called.

"Hm?" I answered quietly.

"Can you lay with me? I just need someone." She asked.

"Yeah sure no problem." I said sliding in bed next to her. She cuddled up to me and I put my arm around her. I kissed her head before falling into a deep slumber with the girl beside me.

"Everything will be Ok." I said before dozing off.


A/N: Sorry for any mistakes again.

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