Chapter 10

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Y/N's P.O.V.

When Normani didn't respond to my text I figured she was busy with Blair again so I hopped in the shower. I frowned when I had gotten out and saw that there was still no response from the younger girl.

I was getting dressed when the doorbell rang. I sighed because I wasn't expecting anyone at this time of day. Its nearly 9pm and no one ever really comes by unless its Normani.

I finished getting dressed and quickly made my way to the door so that whoever was there knew that I was here.

I was dressed in some grey sweats and a grey nike crew neck sweater with some white socks. Your casual fuck boy attire.

Once I made it to the door I opened it to see Normani standing there with tears running down her cheeks. I saw a faint handprint on her face and I instantly got angry.

"Woah babe are you okay? What happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows when she quickly pushed past me and into the house.

I turned back around when I heard Blair call Normani's name. I saw Blair walking up the walkway with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Blair." I said when he stopped in front of me.

"Y/N. I know Normani is in there. Let me see her." He said while trying to push pass me to get inside of my house. I pushed him back and shut the door behind me.

"Dude first off don't ever try to push your way into my fucking house okay? Second why the fuck is she crying and why is there a handprint on her face. Nigga I swear if she wasn't in the state she's in now I'd beat your ass right now." I said as I looked down on him. Men like him disgust me honestly. They're so weak they use their physical strength against women who don't stand a chance.

"This has nothing to do with you, so I suggest you call Normani back out here so we can settle this for once. And don't think for a second that I don't know what's been going on between you two. You think i'm just going to let MY girlfriend stay over here with you? You must think i'm a joke." He tried to size me up but i'm a good 5 inches taller than him and visibly stronger than he is.

"If she wanted to see you she'd be over there instead of over here." He blew out a breath of air and stepped down off the porch.

"Look asshole I don't know what you did, but I think you should leave. And I'm pretty sure when Normani tells me what happened I'm going to want to kick your ass even more. She probably won't let me at the time but I will at some point. You may think you have some power because you were the big time hot shot in high school but you're not, high school is over. I clearly have the upper hand here buddy. So whatever childish games you're playing with Normani needs to stop. You need to realize that you've got an amazing girl that would literally do anything for you. But by the looks of things, that seems to have changed right?" He stayed silent.

"Now turn around and leave, you're trespassing. I can call the police and I will call the police if you don't leave right now. I mean it." I stated as I glared at him.

"I'm not scared of you Y/N. You may have this bad ass exterior that makes you seem intimidating but it doesn't phase me." He said while taking a step a back.

"Well I may not intimidate you but you do see me as a threat. A threat to your relationship and a threat to you. You don't want anyone knowing that your new next door neighbor stole your girlfriend in less than what a month? I mean hey, I would feel threatened too if someone were to come and steal my girlfriend in that amount of time. But can you blame me? I've got the looks, the charisma, and the charm. Who wouldn't fall for me." I smirked when I saw him getting upset. He had his hands balled into fists and his face was red from embarrassment.

He looked as if he were going to try and attack me but instead he turned on his heels and walked away. I chuckled and shook my head before returning into my house.

When I walked in Normani was already making her way upstairs. I made my way over to her before she could go further up the steps.

I put my hand on her arm and she winced a bit before turning around.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened over there?" I looked in her eyes and my heart broke.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She didn't respond, just nodded her head. I was about to go back over to their house to confront the boy again when she grabbed my arm.

"No just stay here please. I'll handle him later." She said weakly. I slowly nodded my head and motioned for her to continue up the steps.

Once we were in my bedroom she sat on the bed and began to cry. I sat next to her and pulled her closer to me.

She cried for a while and eventually she had fallen asleep. I moved her higher on the bed and placed her down so that her head was on a pillow. I sighed as I studied her face.

I brought my hand up to her face and caressed her now bruising cheek. It pained me to see her like this. We haven't known each other very long but I do know that I have feelings for this girl. Strong feelings, and I cared for her way more than I should have. I leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead. She shivered so I figured she was cold and covered her with the blanket. She instantly cuddled up to it which made me smile.

I walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down. I wasn't really tired soturned on the tv and started watching the first then that caught my attention which so happened to be Ghost Adventures. Not something that I'd watch all the time but at the time it was interesting.


After about an episode or two Normani started to wake up. She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I smiled at her. During sometime I was watching TV Normani had found her way to my side of the bed and cuddled up to me.

"Hey." She said, barely above whisper.

"Hey, are you okay?." I responded while kissing her head again and squeezing her a bit.

She nodded her head and scooted closer to me.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna take a shower and then we can talk about it okay? You don't mind me borrowing some clothes do you?" She asked while getting up.

"No not at all, you go ahead and I'll get you some clothes. Are you hungry? We could order something if you'd like." I offered.

"Um yeah, Chinese or pizza. Which ever you like better, I don't really mind." She told me while walking over to the door.

"Okay." I said before she walked off to the bathroom. I picked up my phone and ordered Chinese because I've been craving that for a while now.


After Normani and I had eaten our food we were back in the bed watching TV.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened?" I asked her after minutes of silence.

She hesitated before speaking up.

"Can we talk tomorrow? Right now I just want you to hold me." She said as she squeezed my torso. I nodded my head and reached over to turn of the lamp.

"Yeah no problem." I told her.

We sat and watched TV until the both of us fell asleep.

Everyday I find myself falling harder for the girl.


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