Chapter 7

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A/N: As soon as possible like a promised :)


Normani's P.O.V

After leaving Y/N's house I quickly made my way over to my own home. Seeing as Blair's car was still in the driveway like before, he's still home. I'd expect him to at least be out with his friends somewhere.

I was about to unlock the door with my key when it swung open revealing a girl with long brown hair. I looked at her weirdly before she mumbled something.

"Hi. You must be Normani." She smiled awkwardly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, and who are you? Where's Blair?" And as I said that the tall boy came up behind her with red cheeks. Who is this girl and why is she in my house?

"Hey Normani, I see you've met Hailee. She's my cousin. She came here to visit me, its been a while. " He stammered out while looking at the girl, who seemed to pick up whatever message he was trying to send her.

I nodded my head and walked inside the house and stood next to Shawn.

"Well Hailee, it was nice meeting you. You should come another time so we can have a proper introduction. Right Blair?" I asked looking at the boy who looked taken aback.

"Um yeah, sure. But Hailee has to go back to..." He trailed off.

"Um New York. That's where I'm studying at NYCU. You know for college and stuff." She said taking a few steps back.

"When? I'm sure we can fit in something before you leave." I knew that Blair was lying. I had been to many family get togethers seeing as though we were together for a few years now. I had never seen this girl so that leaves me suspicious of what's going on here.

"In a few days. I'll see if I can make some free time, but right now I have to go back and start packing." I gave her a pointed look, and we all just sat in silence for a few seconds before Blair cleared his throat.

"Well um see ya Hailee. I'll miss you until next time." He smiled at her. The looks they were giving each other didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Yeah see you guys, bye Normani." She gave me a small wave and walked off.

"Shit I almost forgot, um Blair can you give me a lift back to my place?" She asked.

"Yeah, Normani will you be okay? You know until I get back?" He asked me nervously.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I didn't mean to come off as harsh but why wouldn't I be fine? I mean he was gone for almost a day and when he comes back he returns with some mystery girl. I'm good.

"Oh okay well I'll be back in an hour or so." He said while going back in to grab his keys off the table that sat near the entrance of our home.

"Alright see you later." I said making my way upstairs. Once I got to the top of the steps I heard the door close. I stepped inside me and Blair's room to find the bed made and everything in place. Though it didn't spell too fresh.

Nice job covering up your tracks Blair. I thought.

I went over to the bed and sat my phone on the nightstan, making a mental note to text Y/N when I got back up here.

I proceeded to take the sheets off the bed to put them in the washer, or maybe the trash. I chuckled at the thought of my action.

After taking the sheets off of the bed, along with the pillow cases, I made my way downstairs and to the front door. Our trash can was out in the front for when the trash truck comes and takes everything out.

I opened the front and made my way outside to the trash can. I threw the sheets away, then made my way back into the house with a smirk on my face.

I cannot wait to catch this boy in the act of cheating.


After I put a fresh set a sheets on the bed I grabbed myself something to eat and laid down to text Y/N.

Me: Y/N

Me: Y/N

Me: Y/N

Me: Baaaaabe 😩

Me: 💔💔💔

Me: Respooond

Me: 😩😩😩

Y/N 😍😘: What's up? Are you okay?

Me: No 😟

Y/N 😍😘: You wanna talk about it? I'm still home, I could come over or I could call.

As much as I'd love Y/N to come over, I know we'd be doing a lot more than talking so I settled with a phone call.

The phone rang twice before I heard his raspy voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked immediately.

"Uh... I... um... I think Blair cheated on me. Well at this point I know he cheated." I told him on the verge of tears. Finally getting everything hit me. My boyfriend of three years is cheating on me. The guy I've been in love with for who knows how long is cheating on me. He's cheating on me. I mean I'm no better but Y/N and I we just, I don't know. It seems so right, but its so wrong.

"Oh um why do you think that? What happened?" He asked.

I explained to him what had happened when I came back home this afternoon. He listened to everything I told him and then sighed at the end.

"What did the girl look like?" He asked suddenly.

"Why?" I answered with a question. Why does it matter what the girl looks like?

"Because mani, remember I told you about the girl I saw him with at the party? It could be her. Did she have like long brown hair, and her height stopped at about his shoulder? I know its a vague description but there's a 50/50 chance that the girl you saw today was the girl from the club a few days ago." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah you're description is somewhat right, she also had hazel eyes and her name was Hailee." I finished describing the girl for him.

"I hadn't gotten close enough to notice her eyes or anything but Mani I think that's the girl." He inquiried.


A/N: I'm a better writer now I swear I originally wrote this 2-3 years ago i'm just editing it

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