Chapter 12

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Normani's P.O.V.

It had been a week since I had seen Blair and I was both relieved and disappointed. I really just wanted to get everything over with and he isn't helping by not being here. Y/N and I came to an agreement that I'd do it on my own. He protested but eventually gave in for the respect of my privacy. 'But scream if he tries anything' he told me. I chuckled at the memory of our earlier conversation.

Y/N was upstairs doing god knows what. That man is always up to something, meanwhile I'm downstairs watching TV. There wasn't much to do today so we've been sitting in the house for most of the day. I was halfway through my episode of Spongebob Squarepants when I heard a car pull up. I immediately assumed it was Blair so I got up to go check. I was proven right when I saw the tall boy get out of his car and walk up the driveway. He took one glance at Y/N's house and continued walking.

I went upstairs to Y/N who was going through some boxes. He stopped what he was doing when he heard me enter the room.

"What's up mani?"

"Blair's here." He furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you sure you wanna do this now? Alone?"

"Yes. I just kind of want to get this all over with."



Y/N and I walked over to my house once he was done with what he was doing. He knocked on the door while I stood there. Y/N must have noticed my state because he turned to me.

"Everything will be okay, remember what I told you. You aren't alone in this." He pulled me in for a side hug and kissed me. Blair opened the door less than a minute later.

"Hey....Normani." He stood there awkwardly and then focused on Y/N.


Y/N didn't say anything, he just glared at Blair. There was an awkward silence before I cleared my throat.

"Uh Blair.. I think we need to um talk." I said.

Y/N moved his hand to my back and I looked at him. His eyes had worry written all over them.

"Alright." Blair said breaking Y/N and I out of our little 'moment.' He backed into the house and I walked in. I turned to Y/N and he was still standing there.

"I'll be right back out okay? Stay here." I told him.



"Blair..." I said once we were in the house. He had his back turned to me.

"Blair." I said once again. This time he turned around with tears in his eyes.

"Is this it? Are you leaving me for her?" He cried out. I was silent.

"What did I do wrong? Please let me fix it. Give me another chance, Mani please." He begged. I looked at him with no emotion, but deep down I felt a little bad for the guy in front of me. I know I shouldn't because of what he did but we've been together for so long I can't help it.

"No Blair stop. There's nothing you- or I can do to fix this. Let's just face it, we don't love each other anymore. You hardly give me the time of day anymore, you're always out late, you've lied to me, and you've cheated on me. Not to mention you actually hit me. I didn't think that you'd ever do that, after all these years we've been together you hit me. Also yes I know I've cheated too but you've been cheating way longer than I have. Don't think I haven't noticed. You're not the same Blair I met when we were 16. And if I'm wrong look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't done those things, tell me that you are still in love with me." I said with tears now in my eyes also.

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