Authors note and Chapter 1

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Hey! I'm lazy so I'm going by a play type of text ok?
It was rainy. Ok it was pouring. But that's LA when it finally rains.
You were walking to your new place of business. A law firm.
Y/N: Should I?
Y/N: I guess I should.
You pick up to whom ever was calling you.
???: Hey did you do it?!
Y/N: I already told you yes Bonnie!
(That's me by the way {you need a friend in this story}) You walk up to a dry empty bus stop.
Bonnie: Are you heading to your place of business~ at the Wright Anything Agency or WAA. Well I don't think that's a good acronym.
You let out a snort.
Y/N: Bonnie, I need to go now so I'm not late ok?
Bonnie: I got it. I'll visit you. See you soon.
You hang up. You start walking up the steps to the building. It was cute with its modern design yet Victorian style roof. You made up the staircase. And knocked on the door.
???: I'll get it!
A voice called from inside. You hear clatter inside and jangling from the door's locks.
???: !
The girl opened the door to find you.
???: You're not Polly. Daddy!
The girl's dad walked up.
Y/N: Mr. Mr. Wright!
Wright: Oh hi Y/N.
Mr. Wright glances over to his daughter.
Wright: This is the new recruit I was talking about, Trucy.
Trucy: Oh that makes sense.
You start to hear gears popping.
Trucy: Mr. Hat and I want to say hello and welcome!
Mr. Hat: It is a pleasure meeting you!
Trucy: Come on in.
You start to walk in but Mr. Hat knocks you off balance. You fall backwards. Tripping someone behind you causing them to fall right on top of you.
Y/N: Are are you ok?
???: I'm fine! But seriously watch where you're going!
By now you are both soaking wet.
??? Was blushing furiously. ??? Is obviously embarrassed.
Wright: At least help them Apollo. Geez! They are your new co worker. Athena come say hi.
When Athena came out Apollo was still on top of you.
Athena: What's going on!
Trucy: I don't know but it sure is funny to see Apollo turn the same color as his suit!
Apollo: I'm still here!
Y/N: Umm can I get up now?
Apollo blushes furiously.
Apollo: I'm going inside.
Apollo left you in the rain.
Mr. Wright chuckles.
Y/N: That was probably my worst introduction ever.
Wright: Well, better luck next time.
Trucy: I can do a magic trick to cheer you up!
Y/N: Ok. It would probably calm me down after that debacle of sorts.
Trucy shows you around the office.
Trucy: Do you like it?
Y/N: It's quite a lot to take in.
Trucy: Ok here's where the Magnificent Trucy will perform the great Tie disappearing trick! A volunteer from Polly's collection.
You can Apollo from across the office.
Apollo: My tie! TRRUUUUUCy!
You cover you ears.
Apollo burst into the room where Trucy was.
Apollo: Come on Trucy! Give it back!
Trucy giggles. It looks like a cat playing with a toy mouse on a string trick.
Trucy: Not till you apologize to poor old Y/N who you didn't even get a towel and help them off the ground you pinned them down to.
Apollo sighs and faces towards you yet looks at his shoes.
Apollo: I'm sorry.
Y/N: Oh it wasn't a huge deal honestly. I was just being clumsy that's all.
Apollo: I'm going now bye.
Once Apollo left you go up to Trucy.
Y/N: You didn't have to do that Trucy.
Trucy bops her head cutely.
Trucy: He was just giving you a hard time that's all. He just met you after all.
Wright: Here Y/N.
Mr. Wright hands you some towels.
Y/N: Thanks. I'll go make me something to drink and I'll get right to work.
Wright: That's the spirit!
You go to the coffee machine and make some coffee. You get your coffee and you head towards your desk.
Splash! Crash!
You trip on something you aren't sure what is was but your were now covered in boiling hot coffee.
Bonnie walked in. (It was an unlocked door! Come on!)
Bonnie: I brought pudding!
Bonnie glances down then looks right at you.
Bonnie throws the pudding down.
Bonnie : Y/N!
Bonnie helps you to your feet.
Y/N: Thanks. Bonnie.
Trucy looked like she was in awe. Apollo wasn't even listing. Athena had a smirk on her face.
And Mr. Wright was confused.
Bonnie: Athena! Did you just trip her!
Athena: What no I didn't.
Wright: You know Athena you're not the only one who can tell lies.
Athena: ... Uhoh.
Wright: As punishment you get no pudding from what uh Bonnie got and you have to scrub the toilets.
Athena gives you a glare. Then she left to clean the toilets.
Wright: So Bonnie, how did you know Athena did it?
Bonnie: I'm an mind reader.
Bonnie:Nah just a feeling. Also I did a background on everyone.
Y/N: Bonnie!
Bonnie: What! I was worried and I'm on break.
Wright mouths from where.
Y/N: She's a detective, and a really good one.
Bonnie: Aww you're making me blush. Come on let's have some pudding!

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