Chapter 10

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You fix your hair and you confidently fix your orientation.
Kaliver: Fraulien, you can't be serious?
Y/N: Why can't I?
Klaiver laughs for a bit and says: Well of course they were engaged.
Y/N: What?!
Klavier nods: It's quite the surprise; from Herr Stickler, but some people say she would be Fraulien stickler.
Daniella: !
Apollo: Why are you so nervous Daniella? You've been rubbing your skirt like in was a genie lamp.
Daniella: I - I I.
Daniella clears her throat.
Daniella: Mr. Meen is innocent!
Witness Testimony:Mr. Meen is a nice bean.
Mr. Meen seems a bit rude. But he's just really concerned about our safety!

He was the first one who consoled me about what happened.

He called the cops for me and let me warm up.

Judge: You may begin your cross examination.
Y/N: Ok.
Apollo whispers to you: She lying but I can't tell what!
You start to picture a jigsaw puzzle in your head of what really happened.
1. The Principal is striking some one with a <weapon>
2. The victim is <name>
3. The person behind the trash cans is <witness>
Y/N: (Ok that's scene one. Scene two will have to wait for a bit. Till we find the missing pieces!)
Y/N: Ms. Clint, take a look at this.
You present a box cutter.
Daniella: Why do you have that!
Y/N: So you recognize it?
Daniella: Erggh. Yes. All the cleaning staff members have one. So I have seen one.
Y/N: Interesting. So why do you look like you regret seeing it?
Daniella: Cause Cause.
Daniella caught in a nervous breakdown.
Daniella's hair got messed up.
Daniella: I. I. Don't. Don't. Tell.
Y/N: Now hold the phone.
Daniella looks confused.
Y/N: Now give it to me.
Never hold in your emotions Daniella. Otherwise you'll look like that.
You point at her.
Y/N: And you shouldn't hold anything back from the court. Or lie. Yet, almost all witnesses do it. Be unique. Be true to yourself, not to others.
Daniella sniffles and cries.
Daniella maintains her composure.
Daniella: No more. No more! I lied about everything! Mr. Meen is how he is! He framed my brother and I I, I hurt him!
The gallery murmers and Phoenix shoots you and Apollo a grin. Edgeworth however, gives you a glare, of approval.
Y/N: You did? Then tell me Daniella, how and where!
Daniella: I hurt him-!
Daniella faints.
The judge is frozen with shock, whereas Apollo and the baliff examine what happened to her. Apollo touched his bracelet and stares at her for a good bit.
You cover you ears, hoping they don't bleed.
Daniella moves a little bit and coughs harder and harder that a bit of powder pops up.
Ema: Move!
Ema shoves Apollo to the side and Apollo looks distressed, as if he were her brother.
Ema grabs a q-tip dips if in it and puts it in a baggy. She does it again, this time in a jar with a fluid.
The fluid turns pink.
Ema: ! This is bad.
Apollo: Why?!
Ema: Pink means muscle relaxant. Muscles equals heart. Relax heart equals faint.
Y/N: So we have a pretty well summed up heart attack?
Apollo face cringes. You glance at Phoenix who was trying to contain his laughter. Edgeworth eyes are cold but his smile gives you a warming sensation that fills you with determination.
Ema: Yep! But it wasn't strong enough to last. It would of turned red. Then we would have to do CPR and get an AED.
Daniella wakes up groaning and confused.
Klaiver: The poor Fraulien looks unable to to continue.
Judge: It seems so!
Klaiver: You've been smart Herr Defense. Now tell me, why is the poor witness like this?
You know he couldn't of done it. One, that he never could get that stuff, even as a prosecutor. Two, he seems rude, but has good intentions; an overall ok guy.
This leads you to someone who's a bit too obvious.

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