Chapter 7

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Apollo: It's not like I I needed you I could asked Ema.
Ema looks at you and shrugs but her eyebrows showed something else.
Ema: Well you saved me from some extra work. Let's see a box cutter...
You, however, just had Klaiver out of your mind and know he's back wondering what he meant.
Apollo recently just fell to the floor for no apparent reason.
Ema smirks.
Now you think it's not so apparent.
Ema: You're really are an idiot aren't you.
Apollo: ! Hey no I'm not!
Ema handed him a snackooo and told him to calm down.
Apollo took it, knowing what will happen if he doesn't shut up.
More or less concerned about this, you wait till Ema leaves him alone and you tell her you're going to leave. Right before you leave she hands you a yearbook.
Ema: For evidence!
You accpeted it and left.
Enough has happened today and you aren't ready for more.
The next day you woke up at 6:00 am. You knew you had to do this since the trial was going to start at 9:50am.
You get ready with wearing dress shoes, white tights,a nice skirt with a button up with short sleeve top with a matching cardigan. You pin your attorney's badge, grab your purse and head out.
You felt kinda bad about not going back to visit Philip, but you knew Apollo would.
On your way out the apartment complex, you hear a loud honk.
You quickly jump up in surprise but realize it's only Bonnie picking you up.
Bonnie: Get in loser! We're going defending!
You quickly smiled and hopped in, with knowing the reference.
You smell Bonnie's car, which was finding with the odor of muffins.
Bonnie told you that were in the box next you.
You grab one quickly out of hunger, and Bonnie snickers.
Bonnie: So what your plan? Don't worry I'm not afraid Klaiver cutting my check. Miles makes sure of that.
Y/N: I'm pretty sure the vice principal did it.
Bonnie: I see...
Y/N: Bonnie you're think again.
Bonnie: I'm always thinking. It's just. It's a little obvious. A bit too obvious for me.
Y/N: How so?
Bonnie: Well, asking Philip who did it he said Ms Saltier and Vice Principal were always at it.
Y/N: Well now I'm back at square one.
Bonnie: No. Now you're at square 2.
Y/N: ! Really?!
Bonnie: My my, you're supposed to be the attorney here. See, there one piece of evidence that should be presented already but there isn't.
Y/N: Who?
Bonnie lifts up one hand off the steering wheels and makes air quotes.
Bonnie: The prosecution's prime "witness".
Y/N: Is this why you're a detective?
Bonnie: Is this why you're a defense attorney?
You both laugh.
Bonnie: Well I'm glad you have some of your sights set.
Y/N: Well now I don't have to beat around the bush till then.
Bonnie nods.
Bonnie stops at a café nearby the courthouse.
Bonnie: You're going to need extra energy in this trial so I'm treating you to some coffee.
Y/N: Gee thanks!
Bonnie: I. I also need you're help. There this person in this cafè that is a part of something big. Just make me look like a non detective got it.
You nod, a bit confused but you understood.
Bonnie parks and you both walk in.
Bonnie points to where they were sitting.
You walk in with Bonnie right behind.
You whisper to her, who was still sneaking
Y/N: They left for the bathroom.
Bonnie dashed up to the seat and sat there that the people around didn't really notice.
Bonnie grabs another mug and replaces it with another, all the while you were ordering a cappuccino.
As soon a you got your coffee Bonnie was done you headed out.
Bonnie: I got him now!
Bonnie smirked as she took a turn.
Y/N: Who are they?
Bonnie: I told you it's something big!
You took a guess that she liked them.
Y/N: You like them don't you.
Bonnie: Damn it.
You relax after breaking her statement.
Bonnie: Well done. But if you need anything just call.
You nod as you arrive at the court house.
Bonnie: Alright I need to park so I'll see you in the gallery.
You wave bye as Bonnie winks and goes towards the parking lot.

Defendant lobby #1 courtroom #3.
Philip: Hey.
Y/N: Umm. You can drop it the act it's fine. You're in good hands.
Apollo glances from a bench the returns to a chant.
You only hear fine echoing through the room.
You hear knock on the door.
Phoenix: Don't worry it's only me.
Edgeworth: Me too.
Apollo lets the bailiff open the door.
Philip gives them a glare.
Mr. Wright jumps a little. And plays with something in his pocket .
As for Edgeworth he accepted it which threw Philip over. This sent him into a panicky state.
Philip starts to sweat and swearing underneath his breath. Edgeworth bore a little gleam.
You know he knows he's innocent by now.
Y/N: So where's Athena?
Phoenix: Oh her? She's well, "It's really important to me!"
You infer he's trying to bluff his way through this one.
You just give him a nod.
Bailiff: Defense, the trial is about to start!
Phoenix and Edgeworth walk around the long the long way.
You and Apollo head towards the courtroom and don't make eye contact.
You enter through the wide open doors.
Minding Bonnie waving, you salute back in sign language.
You see the table in front of you gleam.
You see the judge stand with a judiciary scale similar to your badge hung on the wall.
You look on a clock on a screen. 9:24.
Apollo mumbles something.
Y/N: ?
Apollo speaks up: Do you need any pointers?
Y/N: Nah I got this.
Apollo: But this is your first trial!
Y/N: No.

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