Chapter 2

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Wright and co. (Besides Athena) was eating pudding on the couch and the love seat.
Apollo: (Mouth full) Wow this is very good.
Bonnie: Thanks!
Wright and Trucy nodded at each other with mouths full.
You were also enjoying your pudding.
Bonnie: I have extras!
Trucy grabs another and so does Apollo.
Trucy&Apollo: 3. 2. 1. Go!
They started to see who can eat their pudding the fastest. Bonnie hands you and Mr. Wright a extra pudding.
Trucy won the competition.
Apollo: No fair!
Trucy made a teasing face.
Bonnie: Wow Trucy and Apollo really get along.
Y/N: Yeah, Trucy seems to bring the inner child out of him. It's like their related.
Mr. Wright started to tense up.
Y/N: You all right sir.
Wright: Oh yeah its just back itch. Nothing really.
Ding Dong
Bonnie: Who's that? I mean they can just waltz right in. Everyone tries the door handles. 
Wright: Come in!
Bonnie: Miles!
Edge worth: Hello Detective Bonnie. Nice seeing you. Wright.
Wright: Edgeworth.
Edgeworth:..., I have heard you had a new employee. I wish to quiz them. To see, what type of person, they are.
Edgeworth walks towards you.
Edgeworth: Your name is?
Y/N:F/N L/N.
Edgeworth: What a nice name. Come here Y/N.
Bonnie continued talking to Trucy, Apollo and Mr. Wright.
You and Edgeworth walk to a hallway.
Y/N: So what did you want to quiz me about?
Edgeworth: I wanted to know, do you think the law can fix the world's problems?
Y/N: Well it's not perfect but-
Edgeworth: Next question, do you think you can fix it?
Y/N: Not by myself but with help from others, if we were powerful enough.
Edgeworth: Who are you planning to save it with? If you were.
Edgeworth looked super intimidating when he said this. His eyes were fiery at this point and his eyebrows were saying back off. Well not literally.
You start to get really nervous and uncomfortable.
Y/N: How is this a quiz about what lawyer am I?
Edgeworth: Just answer the question.
Y/N: Well with the high prosecutor aka you, Bonnie, Trucy and help from my coworkers and my boss.
Edgeworth: Thank goodness.
Edgeworth looked relaxed, calm and collected as usual.
Edgeworth: Thank you for your time.
Edgeworth starts to walk out.
Y/N: Why were you so worried about my last answer?
Edgeworth stops. He starts to tense up.
Edgeworth: Uh I.
You start to get an answer.
Y/N: You like my boss?
You say this in a whisper to make sure only Edgeworth can hear.
Edgeworth: *Nods*
You see Edgeworth's ears getting red.
Y/N: Well, I can get you reasons to come here. I'll call you if we need anything ok?
Edgeworth: *Nods*
You and Edgeworth's exchange numbers.
Then you and Edgeworth walk back out to everyone else. Athena just finished scrubbing the toilets.
Trucy jumped up in front of you almost knocking Apollo down.
Trucy: So what's your score?!
Y/N: My score?
Trucy: Yeah Apollo got a C-!
Apollo: Don't remind me.
You glance up at Edgeworth.
Edgeworth looks around not noticing the conversation.
Wright: Athena got a C+.
Apollo: Don't remind me about that either.
Athena put her chin in the air.
Trucy: I got a B-.
You felt your ears ringing.
Trucy had her ears covered.
Y/N: It's like he's part banshee.
Apollo: *Turns same color as his vest*
Trucy: I think you broke him.
Apollo: I'm fine!
Trucy: Well that's good. So what's your score?
Edgeworth: A+.

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