Chapter 12

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You give the vice principal a glare and he tenses up.
Y/N: Now wouldn't it be nice to know what the prints on the cutter are?
He starts to sweat as he swears underneath his breath.
Judge: Bailiff, may you have forensics check the box cutter's prints? I will call a short recess for this small forensic investigation.
You and Apollo exit out of the courtroom and head to the lobby.
Y/N: I already checked the prints at the scene, and they were his. I had a small kit at the time.
Apparently, Apollo seemed too into the tile floor to notice again, completely into his own thought, to dive into your words.
Yet you kept talking.
Y/N: Yet I wonder how his sister apparently hurt him
Apollo: Yeah, I was wondering about that as well...
Y/N: You alright?
Apollo: I'm fine!
You roll your eyes as you press on some other matters.
Y/N: I'm pretty sure then he would like his sister coming out of this trial with him.
Apollo: That's true, but she did say she injured him, that's why I'm not so sure on her part.
Y/N: Oh!
Apollo: What?! Did you find something?
Y/N: She never said how she hurt him, right?
Apollo: So you're saying she blackmailed him?
Y/N: I'm just speculating. It could m-
You were interrupted by the girl herself.
Daniella, whispers so only you two can hear her plight.
Daniella: I-I I did injure him physically and blackmailed him...but he ended up doing the same thing back.
She pulls up her skirt slightly to show a nasty bruise and quickly puts it down.
Y/N: Thank you for this Daniella.
She nods, but she looks like she's smirking when she puts her head down.
You glance at her, now eyeing her closely to make sure she isn't fibbing. Daniella goes to sit down, now you wonder how she ever got in here in the first place.
You look to Apollo, yet he's as red as his suit. That's what's she smirking about.

The bailiff calls you both in soon after, and the trial resumes.

Judge: It seems that the prints do belong to the Vice Principal.
He shoots the defense bench a nasty look.
Klavier: seems that the Fraulein is smarter than she looks. Yet can she tell the court why the bloody pole has her defendant's prints?

Your mind races to find the reason why your mind though decides to leave you thoughtless.

Apollo: Objection! 

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