Chapter 9

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???: Hi...
The poor girl was talking in a squeaky voice.
Judge: And what is your name miss?
Daniella: Daniella Clint. *sniffle*
Judge: What's the matter?
Daniella: I really don't want to testify, I don't. But the cute prosecutor, said to. So here I am.
Judge: Ok, we already know you're a student, so you may go right ahead.
Witness Testimony-
I was sick that day Mrs. Saltier was murdered.
I had to be picked up so my brother came to get me.
He hated Mrs. Saltier since she was such a stickler.
I can't believe he did it though.

Judge: You may cross-examine, when you like.
Y/N: Alrighty then.
(Time to find the missing pieces and put them in place!)
Y/N: Ms. Clint, were you told the details of the crime?
Klavier: Objection! Herr Judge, this isn't important to the case.
Apollo: Objection!
Judge: Yes mister Justice?
Apollo: If the witness doesn't know the truth, then how are we supposed to?
Judge: The defense does have some what of a point.
Y/N: So were you?
Daniella was playing with her skirt, trying to think.
Daniella: Actually I don't. That's part of the reason I didn't want to testify.
Apollo: Gotcha!
Apollo: What's with you skirt miss Clint?
Daniella: !
Klaiver: Herr Forehead, do you think a mousy girl like Daniella did it?
Y/N: Of course not!  The only thing she's guilty of is lying.
Judge: And what exactly is she lying about?
Y/N: Knowing the facts. That is the true facts.
Apollo: How did you know about her?
Y/N: Her testimony didn't contain anything about what he did, just the main idea.
Daniella: ...
Y/N: If she was really a good witness, she would describe anything in great detail!
Daniella: Grrr.
Judge: You alright sweetie?
Daniella: ! Oh yes. It just that, I saw Philip do it.
Judge: Oh really? I understand you wanted to protect your brother.
Daniella: I did. But I won't hold anything back now!

Revised Testimony-
I won't hold anything back now.
When I was walking towards the office. I was walking through the quad I heard struggle. I quickly hid behind a bush.
I was very scared about my own safety that's why. I heard miss Saltier's voice yell at them. Telling them to stop.
I ran at this time.
Y/N: Objection!
Daniella: What is it now?
Y/N: Take a look at this yearbook picture of the quad!
Daniella: !
Judge: Just what am I looking at here?
Y/N: Your honor. If Daniella was really scared. She wouldn't hide behind the bushes. Because they are rose bushes.
She would get prickled with thorns and would get scratched!
Judge: That's very true.
Daniella: Did I say bushes. I meant the trash cans. The janitor leaves them out during class when he's collecting trash.
The janitor can confirm this.
Judge: Oh is that so. Bailiff! Get the school janitor's affirmative action! I declare a twenty minute recess so we can process this new information.
The gavel slams down.
You and Apollo head back to the lobby.
When you two arrive, Philip was already there.

Philip: I'm guilty aren't I.
Y/N: Why do keep thinking you're guilty even though you know you're innocent?
You nudge Philip till he smiles.
Philip: I I guess I'm being melodramatic about it.
You both laugh. Apollo glances at the door, awry.
Y/N: A-are you okay?
Apollo: I'm fine. It's just, who did you work for before? You know, before you came apart of the Wright Anything Agency?
Y/N: I was just a regular public defense attorney.
Apollo: Really?
You nod.
Y/N: In (favorite country other than America/Japan)
Apollo: So you were a defense attorney abroad?
You nod once again.
Apollo: No way. So Mr. Wright met you there?
Y/N: Yeah. He said he was scouting for talent. I think for Trucy's part of the agency.
Apollo: And he ended up watching a trial?
Y/N: Well, I-
Baliff: The trial is about to continue!
We headed back to the courtroom and when we arrived Klaiver and the judge was already there.
The trial's aura gets heavy.
Judge: The trial is back in session.
He slams his gavel down.
It gets even heavier.
Judge: So the janitor at the school does remember putting the trash and where miss Daniella said.
Daniella: See! I don't lie.
Y/N: You aren't.
Daniella: ! S-so you do believe me!
Y/N: You are just not telling the whole truth.
Daniella: !
Judge: Are you implying you want to hear the testimony again defense?
You nod.
Witness 3rd Testimony
When I was called to the office, I went through the quad.
I heard yelling and fighting so I hid behind the trash cans.
I peeked through them and saw my brother and Miss Saltier fighting.
I was so scared I just stayed still.

Judge: You may begin your cross examination.
Y/N: So what happened afterwards then?
Daniella: Er, did I forget about that?
Daniella was trying to be pleasing as possible.
Judge: Yes, please amend your testimony.
Witness's amendment
As soon as the fighting stopped, my brother left towards the parking lot. I ran to the office to tell what has happened.

Y/N: ...
Apollo: Huh.
Klaiver: You unsettled Herr Forehead?
Apollo: It's just. Well, say if I killed someone. It's quite common to just leave the body, they're quite heavy as well as bloody.
Judge: Well stop beating around the bush and get on with it!
Apollo: Well, wouldn't he have taken the bloody pole?
Judge: ! Oh I see!
Y/N: Plus the witness never mentioned it!
Klavier starts to sweat nervously, but regains his cool but slams the gallery box, where Phoenix and Edgeworth were sitting. They both jumped up but Phoenix regained certain sense. Edgeworth held on to his cravat and got down in a earthquake safety position.
Phoenix snickers but helps him back up. Edgeworth and Phoenix blush.
You try to keep a straight face.
Klavier: I have one question for the defense. If you're sure it's not Philip,
then answer me this: who did it then?
You stop to ponder a bit. You bite your lip but you remember a trump card and began to smirk.
Y/N: More or less, yes I do. It's obviously the Vice Principal!

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