Chapter 4

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Bonnie: I got you a drink?
Apollo grabs it from Bonnie and takes a swig.
Apollo keeps himself from spitting it out.
Apollo: This this is apple juice?!
Bonnie: Duh!
Phoenix and Edgeworth look like they both about to laugh. Like they were remembering something similar.
Apollo: But it's in a beer glass!
Bonnie: I said from the bartender and you wanted a large.
Apollo:  No I wanted the same size as you!
Bonnie: You gave me ten dollars.
Apollo groans.
Bonnie snorts.
Bonnie: Look, I got pudding as well so you can have it.
Apollo: They have pudding. Here?
Bonnie: Here you go.
Apollo: ... Thanks.
Bonnie: It was Y/N idea.
Apollo & you: WHAT?!
Y/N: That's bul-
Bonnie: Oh look Trucy's back on.
You stop yourself. You continued watching yet you glanced over your shoulder to see Edgeworth and your boss having a good time together.
The show ends with Trucy making a tire disappear with her magic panties.
You 5 go to the back to congratulate Trucy. Bonnie said she'll go get the car so Edgeworth gave her the keys. Aware that they will use the same plan.
Apollo: You were awesome Trucy!
Trucy bops her head cutely.
Trucy: Aww really.
Athena: I need to find out how to do the panties  trick.
Y/N: Why?
Athena: Nothing.
Y/N: It's kinda something.
Athena: !
You hear honking from outside.
Apollo: Is Bonnie here?
Y/N: I think so let's go.
You guys brought over the stuff to Edgeworth's car and some to a closest in the bar.
Apollo: Are we using the same system as last time?
Bonnie: I guess.
We all got in the car with Bonnie and got dropped off at the office.
Bonnie: I need to get back to work now so see you guys soon!
Apollo: I don't think she heard you...
But Bonnie waved back.
Apollo: I guess she did.
Y/N: Something's up.
Apollo: ! W-what do you mean?
Y/N: Bonnie usually goes back to break later than she's supposed too. I think something happened at the precinct.
Athena: Sounds irresponsible of her.
Y/N: Well the Chief Detective is really nice too her because he used to do the same thing.
Athena: But what happens if a case comes up?
Apollo: I'm guessing she goes there stat.
Y/N: ( I've just explained this, right?)
Y/N: Apollo you have the key for the office right?
Apollo: Oh uh yeah.
Apollo rummages through his pockets then he finds the key to the door.
You all go in. Apollo sits behind a desk and he's starts to fold a piece of paper into an airplane.
Athena starts surfing on the web with her Widget thingy.
Trucy starts practicing a magic trick with orange juice and a bra.
You however are starting to contemplate what happened with Bonnie.
Mr. Wright: Hiya!
Edgeworth: Hello...
Both of them are blushing really brightly so you guess this mission was a success.
Ring Ring!
Y/N: Oh that must be Bonnie!
You pull out you're phone and sure enough, it was Bonnie.
Y/N: Hello?
Bonnie: Y/N! Come to the precinct now!
Y/N: Why?
Bonnie: Or come tomorrow!
Y/N: What is it your crush's birthday again?
Bonnie: NO! I don't have a crush and it's not anyone's birthday!
Y/N: Well then, what is it?
Bonnie: Someone requested your law firm!
Y/N: Really?
Bonnie: You know I'm serious!
Y/N: Thanks!
Bonnie: No problem!
(Bonnie hangs up)
Phoenix: What was it Bonnie?
Apollo looks at you closely.
Athena looks like she's trying to ignore you.
Y/N: It's nothing.
Apollo turns away. Athena walks away, salty.
Y/N: But I think I just landed a case!
Trucy: That's amazing Y/N!
Phoenix: Congrats Y/N!
Apollo: Wow.
Athena: !
Edgeworth: I guess I have to find a prosecutor now.
Edgeworth says goodbye and starts cleaning his glasses on the way out the door.
You hear the rain stop.
Phoenix: I'll think you can get this case. But. I'll make you do it with hmm.
Phoenix starts darting his eyes back and forth at Apollo and Athena.
Phoenix: Apollo! You're gonna to work with Y/N on this case!
Apollo: ...
Y/N: ...
Apollo: Fine.
Trucy: Then that settles it!

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