O N E - Dan

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"Right, the police are on speed dial if anything happens, text us if you need any help and make sure that all the doors are locked before you go to sleep." Mum says.
"Mum, we'll be fine. Now go have a good time." I smile. Mum hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you too. Now go, Amy and I will be fine and dads going to get impatient." I chuckle.
"Bye, Amy!" Mum calls.
"Bye!" Amy shouts. Mum walks out the door and to my dad. I wave to them and watch as they drive away. I shut the door and sigh. Our parents are out for a week, so as I'm 21 and 5 years older than Amy, I have to babysit her. Usually I would be at I university, but I was able to get out for a month.
"Phil, my boyfriend Dan is coming round in like two minutes." My sister, Amy, says.
"Jesus, Amy, it's been five seconds since mum and dad left!" I sigh.
"Well, I'm sorry." She rolls her eyes.
"It's fine. Just please, please, no sex and stay out of my room. Everything else is fine." I smile.
"Thank you, Philly!" Amy grins. I think they've been dating for three months now. My boyfriend and I split up about a week ago because he was arrested for abusing me. I roll my eyes. The door bell rings, making Amy's eyes light up. I smile slightly and step out of the way of the door.
"Hey." Amy smiles.
"Hi." Her boyfriend says. I can't see him as he's still outside. I think Amy said that her boyfriend was a year older than her, so he'll be 17. I see them hug before Amy tugs him in. He's insanely hot. He has brown hair, brown eyes and a slim body.
"Phil, this is Dan, my boyfriend. Dan, this is my brother, Phil." Amy introduces us.
"Hi." I say.
"Hey." Dan nods. His voice is so smooth. Phil, stop, he's your sisters boyfriend.
"Come on, let's go to my room." Amy says, tugging Dan away. I see Dan flash me a smirk before Amy drags him upstairs.

I hear a thump from upstairs, then a giggle. I roll my eyes and take a pan off the stove.
"That wasn't anything, Phil!" Amy shouts.
"Sure it wasn't." I mutter. I hear footsteps running down the stairs and to me.
"Is it okay if Dan sleeps round?" Amy asks.
"Uh, sure." I nod.
"Can I go get ice cream?" She asks.
"Yeah, is Dan going with you?" I question.
"No, he gets annoying when shopping." Amy giggles.
"Alright. Be quick." I nod. Amy grins and soon I hear the door shut. I rub my eyes and sigh. I'm home alone with an insanely hot boy whilst being gay. Great.

After a few minutes, I hear footsteps coming downstairs and towards the kitchen.
"Hi." Dan says. I smile at him and find some plates.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. Amy wouldn't let me go to the shops with her, so you're the only one I can talk to." Dan smirks. Dan leans on the counter next to me. I swallow and start serving up.
"We're gonna have to wait for Amy to get home otherwise she'll get mad." I chuckle.
"That's fine." Dan nods. I put everything away quickly and lean on the counter next to Dan. "So do you have a girlfriend?"
"No," I laugh. "I'm gay, but I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago." I answer.
"That sucks." Dan says, although I can hear a tone of happiness in his voice.
"Yeah." I say in a deep, breathy voice.
"You're really hot." Dan says.
"So are you." I sigh. "But you're dating my sister."
"She's not here." Dan smirks.
"You're such a f boy." I turn towards him.
"And your sister describes you as innocent." Dan mutters, sliding his arms around my neck. He pushes his lips to mine and kisses me. I kiss back immediately and clutch his waist. I feel Dan's hands run through my hair. I push him against the counter and add passion. I hear the front door open, so I pull away from Dan. His lips are slightly swollen and he's panting heavily.
"You're not innocent." Dan whispers. I blush and shake my head. I just made out with my sisters boyfriend, and I don't feel guilty.
"Hey." Amy smiles. She kisses Dan quickly and puts the ice cream in the freezer. Dan obviously wasn't into their kiss.

"How old are you?" Dan asks me.
"I'm 21." I answer.
"I thought you were younger." Dan shrugs. Amy rests her head on Dan's shoulder while he has his arm around her.
"Thanks." I smile. "You're 17?"
"Yup." Dan nods. Amy shuffles slightly. Dan smirks at me and winks. I blush and cross my legs.
You look better with you're legs uncrossed. Dan mouths.
Shut up. I mouth back. I uncross my legs and watch Dan's eyes trail down to my crotch. I blush and bite my lip.

This is going to be a long night...

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