T H R E E - Feelings

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I wake up to the sun shining in my face. Goddamn crappy curtains. I look down and see Dan lying on my chest. So it wasn't a dream. I smile and kiss Dan's forehead. He stirs and yawns.
"I didn't mean to wake you." I apologise.
"I'm so fucking glad last night wasn't a dream." Dan mutters.
"Same." I smile. "Let's get up." I pat his back. Dan sits up and blushes at our nakedness.
"So we did have sex last night, and I did have the literal best orgasm in my life." Dan grins.
"Yup." I smirk, kissing his neck softly. I swing my gets out of bed and throw Dan his pyjamas. I put in some pj bottoms and check my hair. I catch Dan looking at me through the mirror. I smile at him and turn around. He blushes and stands up. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek. Dan drapes his arms around my neck and smiles at me.
"You're so different from your sister." Dan comments. "I love it."
"Thank you." I grin. "We should get breakfast."
"But I'm happy like this." Dan groans.
"I'm happy with you." I mutter, too quiet for Dan to hear. Dan rests his head on my chest (17 year old Dan would be smaller than Phil remember) and sighs. I blush and feel butterflies rise in my stomach. Fuck, I think I'm catching feelings for Dan. I can't... He's dating my sister for gods sake. Well, I say that, but we did have sex last night and he said that he wanted me. No, no! What the hell am I thinking? Dan lets go of me and pecks my lips. "Anyway, breakfast." I say.
"Yes." Dan smiles.

Dan finishes eating his toast. I lead him to the lounge and turn on the tv. I sit down and let Dan put his legs on my lap.
"Hey! I want cuddles!" I groan. Dan rolls his eyes and moves closer to me. I wrap my arm around his waist and kiss his cheek.
"Why did you and your boyfriend break up?" Dan asks.
"He didn't like my personality and he started being abusive towards me." I sigh. "I still have bruises and a cut."
"I couldn't see them last night." Dan says softly.
"Makeup does a wonder." I chuckle. Dan looks at my chest. "There's one there, and the cut's there." I point out. The bruise is on my side and the cut, which I just had stitches out of, is from my left collar bone down to my nipple.
"How could I not have seen that before?" Dan mutters. "What happened?" He asks, tracing his finger down the red line.
"Uh, he was punching me and he managed to get hold of a knife and slashed me." I recall.
"Last week?" Dan asks softly.
"Yeah. He got caught when my dad burst into our flat and found me bleeding on the floor. I don't remember much." I explain.
"How could anyone do that to you?" Dan sighs. "You're so nice and caring." I see that he's starting to tear up.
"Aw, Dan don't cry over me. I'm completely fine and my ex is in prison where he can't hurt me anymore." I pull him into my chest. I kiss his forehead and comfort him.
"I just don't understand why anyone would want to hurt you? Especially scar you." Dan sobs.
"Sweetheart, there's no point crying over me." I mutter.
"You're so nice." Dan sighs. I cup his cheek, wiping away some tears. I kiss his lips and push his hair back.
"I'm fine." I promise him.
"I liked it when you called me sweetheart." Dan says quietly. "No ones ever called me that."
"You've never been in a proper relationship before, have you?" I ask.
"No. Who wants to be with a fuck boy?" Dan sighs.
"My sister apparently." I smile.
"And you?" Dan smirks. I blush and look down. "Must be a Lester thing." Dan chuckles.
"Maybe." I grin. I kiss his lips and hug him. Dan cups my cheek and climbs on to my lap. I place my hands on his hips and pull him closer, deepening the kiss. Dan moans softly and tugs my hair. He grinds down on me gently, not enough to turn me on though. Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Dan rolls away from me and puts a pillow on his lap.
"Why weren't you in bed with me this morning?" Amy asks Dan.
"I woke up early and Phil offered to make breakfast." Dan lies.
"Oh okay." Amy nods. "I'm glad you two like each other." Dan grins at me. I smile back and nod, knowing what he's thinking. Amy sits next to Dan, kissing his shoulder gently. Jealously washes over me, but I shake my head. He's not mine. I check my phone, the usual Twitter messages come up, along with a couple of texts. I sigh and reply to them. Not long after, I hear movement from beside me. I look over and wrinkle my nose. Amy and Dan are making out.
"Lovely." I mutter, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"Phil." Dan says. I look up and smile.
"Why did you walk out earlier?"
"Well it's kinda awkward being in the same room with my sister making out with someone." I shrug. Dan nods and sits on the counter. "Where's Amy?"
"On her phone. I said I was getting a drink." Dan answers. Dan grabs my shirt and pulls me to him. I kiss his lips and place my hand on Dan's thigh. I feel Dan wrap his legs around my waist, making me push my crotch into his. Dan moans loudly and clutches my shoulder.
"Dan, you're being too loud, Amy will hear you." I whisper, pulling away from him.
"I don't care." Dan mutters, kissing my neck. I bite my lip and shut my eyes.
"Dan." I moan, tracing my hand up his waist.
"Now who's being loud?" Dan whispers. I hear the floorboards creak, so I quickly pull away from Dan and turn to the sink, filling up a glass with water.
"Hi, Amy." I say, looking over my shoulder to her.
"Hi." She nods. I can see she looks confused.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, sorry, I thought I heard moaning." Amy shakes her head.
"Probably next door." I smile, looking at Dan.
"Yeah." Amy nods, running her hand through her hair. Dan rolls up his sleeves and gets off the counter. He kisses Amy softly and hugs her. I see his eyes flick to me. I smile slightly and he shoots me an apologetic look. I shake my head and walk out. I know I've caught feelings for him. I shake my head and walk up to my room.

"Busy day?" I smirk, seeing Dan walk past  the kitchen with curly hair.
"Very, I'm sure you'd like to know a lot about it." He winks. I roll my eyes and sip my drink. I guessed that Dan would cheat on Amy, not including how he cheated on her with me.
"Who was it this time?" I ask as he walks to me.
"A guy from school; he was practically begging for it." Dan smirks.
"What, like you were begging for me last night?" I grin, teasing him. Dan blushes and rolls his eyes.
"No, a little calmer than me." Dan chuckles. I kiss his neck gently, noticing how there's no new hickeys.
"And less intimate, I see." I remark.
"Mhmm." He nods, shivering at my lips on the sensitive skin on his neck.
"How many times have you cheated on Amy?" I ask quietly.
"Um, maybe 4, 5 including you." Dan says.
"Right." I nod. Dan yawns and rubs his eyes.
"It's not fair that guys fell tired after sex." Dan groans.
"I know." I agree, dropping the lusty tone in my voice. Dan sighs and rests his head on my shoulder. I wonder what goes through his head that can let him cheat on someone, have sex with someone then act like a couple with someone else. I know I couldn't do it. I would confused myself.

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