F O U R - You

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"Dan's staying round again." Amy says as she walks past me.
"Okay." I nod. "You know mum and dad are home tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah." She shrugs.
"Alright." I say. Our parents are probably going to kill me if they found out I let Amy have her boyfriend round. Dan comes down the stairs in a tank top and tracksuit bottoms. I can't help but let my eyes wonder down his figure. I look back up to his eyes and see Dan smirking at me. I feel my cheeks heat up as Dan bites his lip. Amy is looking down at her phone. Why is Dan so goddamn pretty?
"Dan." Amy says, looking up at him. Dan looks at Amy and tilts his head.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Come here." Amy smirks, taking his hand.
"If you need me, I'll be in my room packing." I mutter, feeling jealously bubble in my stomach. Dan follows Amy into the lounge before shutting the door.

After a while, I hear a loud moan from downstairs.
"For gods sake." I mutter. I find my phone and turn my music on, drowning out the sounds. I put my shirts into my suitcase, trying to make them all fit. I'm packing because I'm moving back into my flat tomorrow. Am I ready to go back? Nope. Why? Because of all the horrid memories there.

I jump as my bedroom door opens. I look behind me and see a curly-haired Dan. I smile slightly and turn back to taking stuff out my drawers. Arms wrap around my waist from behind and lips kiss my back.
"Where are you going?" Dan asks.
"Home. I don't actually live here." I say. I turn around and kiss Dan's forehead.
"Where do you live?"
"About half an hour away from here, near my university. I'm only living here because of the ex stuff and so I can heal." I explain. Dan nods.
"At least you're safe here." He smiles.
"Yeah." I sigh. 
"Okay, there's something wrong." Dan says, pulling away from me.
"It's just... I-I really, really like you, but you have Amy." I admit. Dan's eyes light up.
"I like you too, Phil." Dan smiles. My cheeks heat up and I get butterflies in my stomach.
"B-but you can't have both of us. I hate doing this but you have to choose between me or Amy." I sigh.
"I know." Dan nods. "I'm surprised you can't tell my fake orgasm from my real one." I raise my eyebrow.
"What?" I ask, an amused expression spreading over my face.
"Earlier with Amy? I faked it." Dan smiles. "You know I'll choose you." I grin and kiss him. Dan wraps his arms around my neck and kisses back, running his hand through my hair. I place my hand on Dan's waist and pull him closer to me.
"Wait, where's Amy?" I ask, pulling away from him.
"Downstairs asleep." Dan mutters. He pulls down my jumper softly and kisses my shoulder. Dan starts to suck gently, biting down to make a mark. I moan quietly and slide free hand down the back of Dan's trousers. He gasps softly, but grinds against me.
"We can't have sex, Dan. It's too risky." I sigh. Dan pulls away from me and nods.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He mutters.
"No, it's okay, it's not your fault." I smile, taking my hand out of his underwear. I wish he was mine. Then I could pleasure him anytime he wants.
"I should go back to Amy incase she wakes up." Dan sighs.
"Okay." I nod.
"I l-" Dan stops himself. "I'm going to break up with Amy in two days." I smile widely.
"Okay." I grin. Dan kisses me gently and strokes my cheek.
"See you later, Philly." Dan smiles. He walks out of my room and closes my door. I think that was the gentlest he's ever been to me. So he does have a soft, innocent side. But what was he going to say before he cut himself off?

"Phil, are you still awake?" I hear Dan ask. I turn over to face him and turn on my light. I sit up in my bed and smile slightly.
"Yeah. I have insomnia because of abuse, so I'm pretty much always awake." I explain. "Are you okay?"
"I can't sleep because I feel guilty." Dan admits. I frown and open my covers, inviting Dan to come into my bed. He shuts my door and gratefully accepts. I wrap my arms around him and let him rest his head on my chest.
"Why do you feel guilty?" I ask softly, stroking his cheek.
"Because I'm with Amy when I should be with you." Dan sighs. "And I'm lying to her and not being able to be affectionate to you like normal people."
"It's okay, Dan. Remember what you said to me earlier?" I say, propping myself up on my elbow.
"That I would break up with Amy in two days?" Dan raises his eyebrows.
"Mmhmm. It'll be over soon, so don't feel guilty. It's not like you can't help it." I smile.
"I guess. Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asks.
"Of course, sweetheart." I mutter, kissing his forehead. Dan smiles and shuts his eyes. I lay back down and turn off the light. There's still a faint sliver of moonlight that gets through my curtains, illuminating Dan's beautiful face. I kiss his forehead gently before shutting my eyes and somehow letting sleep take me.

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