the boiis!

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*Emery's POV*

I've known lena since the first day of highschool. I remember seeing those luminescent eyes for the very first time. No doubt about it I was in love! And she's so pretty then she had her original brown hair though she died it purple and blue now its still beautiful as ever. I just don't know if she thinks the same about me. I walked into the living room it was almost 12:00 a.m.. The girls outta be here in about 30 minutes. "Hey guys can I ask you something?" I asked nervously. "Yea dude what's going on!"liam said "what do think of lena is she good for me do you think she might like me"(BTW: liam is my fav cousin.) "OHHHHHH" they shouted "man,you got it bad!" Ricky yelled. Then liam started "look, don't worry cuz. I gotchu! I like that girl Caroline could you tell the "L man" was flirting!" "Really now?" I said sarcastically and took his arm from my shoulder. Ricky had a dozed off look. Hmm...what's he thinking about???.

*Ricky's POV*

If your wondering what I think about Kirsten, I'm not gonna tell you. Ok I'm totally gonna tell you! Yes I like her I just don't know if she knows or not or the guys. Emery came into my room and sat not the bed beside me so he could tie his shoes. "So, I saw you checking out that girl. What's her name, Kristen something like that?" "Yea and its Kirsten and also, you saw me looking at her aaand where you going at thus time of night?" " just to the store to get a few things for the party, like more chocolate. I ate most of it..." "Oh--wait what...". Its 5 minutes till 12:30. I really hope they're coming...

Really sorry this chapter is so short due to my lazy-ness but it looks as if the guys got feelings so yay!

Luves 💖❤💙💚💛💜😄

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