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Lena's POV

Suddenly it was dark. Well yes at first it was light but it all started to fade away

*10-15 minutes later*

I opened my eyes to see a light-blue-ish room with a skinny as crap lady standing over me.


"Oh, what's wrong!"

"Who the crap are you! And what am I doing here!"

"I'm the school nurse, Mrs.Amanda Gray. You fell several minutes ago during gym and one of your friends I believe brought you here. He's sitting outside, plus you can roam the halls your last class is almost over." she said pointing to the door. 'He? maybe one of my other friends'  I thought as I stood up and walked to the door. I grabbed my bag and walked out. 

When I walked out i was expecting to see maybe Bronx or James, but i stood there in shock as ii seen Emery sitting there on his phone. He looked at me when he noticed me standing there. He smiled and stood. 

"Hello sleeping beauty. Your awake." Emery states smirking at me. I blush and shyly wave at him. 'why are you acting shy  ya dingus?' a voice in my mind grumbled at me. i shook it off and smiled at Emery. "Y-yeah i just woke up. Thanks for taking me here." I said shyly.

We walked around the school and talked. It started to rain and we ran under the shelter laughing. We sat on the ground and talked.  Mostly about random things then we had gotten on the subject of music. 

"Personally I enjoy music if its a good song but, songs with profanity and anything in that nature is just stupid." he said and i looked at him mesmerized. Hes a really beautiful person when he speaks. The way he speaks as if his words had come from a poem is just amazing. I'm saying this now. This guy, Emery, Is the love of my life.........  

Aside from that You ever heard the saying "school has taught me how to walk in front of moving cars, just kill me, please". No, okay. Well don't take it literally Please.!. And no I didn't get run over (you don't know how many times I've tried it...) I saw a dead rat! A Rat! Who in their right mind runs over such a beautiful creature! One that, God created!!! Goshdarnit these people! I thought now a snake would've been fine! I wish it was a pit of baby snakes that got ran over! I Hate snakes! *shudders*...


Sorry about not updating I've been busy with school I have had help with my recent chapters in case I didn't put it in my last chapters I'm not sure... Anyways yes Hurricane Hermine + Florida is not a good math equation...


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