the girl with horns

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We (me,Lena,Caroline) got back home at about 4 a.m. which was kinda bad since we have school today... Eh, oh well.

"So Kirsten!" Whah u do lah nih! Huh"Lena said. "Ummmmmmmm--" I stopped my own words in its track "Caroline! What did u doooo huuuuh!!!!" "Eh, I don't wanna talk about it!" She said while making the 5year old fighting hand motion.(you gotta know what that is).

5:00 came so we had to get ready for prison. Actually none of the teachers know this but it was national emo day at school (not meant to be offensive to anyone, especially since Im friends with emos) we were all ready for this. It was possibly one of our favorite days of the school year. And not just because it makes all the teachers look stupid.

Anyways we walked to school and guess who came along. Mackenzee.

She came to us and said "Hey freaks!" "What do you want!" Said Caroline. "Rude!"she ever so kindly said as if she weren't herself. "Umm, were rude! You have dated almost every single boy in the school! What if u dated they're dad!!!" Lena said "Oh my gawd! Mackenzee you gardening tool!!!" I said. While me, Caroline and lena laughed at the end. Mackenzee had shoulder length blond hair, sky blue eyes and... everything. "Ugh whatever! Anyways I came to tell you that can't have any of the boys in school as in Ricky, liam, and or Emery!" She explained somehow cheerfully! She was also the head cheerleader. Basically the 'queen' of the school. But Instead of a crown she had horns, eight eyes and fangs at the top corners of her pink lips! "Um what do you mean by "we can't have the boys?" Lena questioned. Mackenzee snapped back! " I mean, they're too popular for you!!!"

I swear that girl!

*time skip*
-at school-

We walked to second period and dealt with the witch. We had to do jump rope and we had to have someone in front of us to count how many times we jump and or to catch us if we fall/trip/miss.

*Lena's POV*

niiiice. I thought. Jump rope, perfect! And best of all mackenzee was in front of me.

Mackenzee- *sigh*1,2,3,4,5,6...

"W-whoa! Ohno! Ahhh!" Yup I was falling forward and it felt like it was slow motion!
Suddenly It wasn't as if I was falling into a pit of darkness anymore! It stopped. My whole world stopped! It was hevean. I closed my eyes and layed there.


I instantly fell to the floor! I opened my eyes and saw, ppl! Disgusting ppl! Then I saw Emery. YESS LIFE! I thought.


Sorry that this chapters probably pretty darn short but I'm still thinking of ideas tho + I think I'm getting my first writers block (its a big stage in my life haha) [sorry that was pretty lame] but anyways yea dont forget to vote and comment if u liked it would be so cool for u too comment that u did or something that shows u did and if u didn't plz give me ideas if what I could do to balance yalls likeness but thx !!!


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