After School

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*Kirsten's P.O.V*  

It was the final period of the day. I seen Emery and Lena walking in the halls talking when it was almost the end of the class period. I smirked at the thought of them together. He might do her some good. I mean she will feel bad for anything bad that happens if she thinks its her fault. Anxiety i think that's what she blames it on. I sigh as I listened to the teacher. I look down at my page of notes. I write more down as the teacher writes hers. I got bored so I started to draw all on the sides. she had already caught me doing that several times before and she told me if she catches me drawing in her class again she was gonna send me to ISS (in school suspension). Well I guess you can imagine what happened next.

I sighed as she told me to get my stuff together because "this is not art class! I will not tolerate drawing in here at all!" But a few seconds in to doing it I just shrugged my shoulders as to say "eh"
Caroline looked over at me saying "wth Kirsten I told. You this would happen!" In fact all the people in that stupid class looked at me like I was an incompetent little idiot! So I gave them all a look that fully said "go die please!" I walked out the door to go to ISS. I don't get why we have to take notes I mean like hey!, at least the most of us are actually listening gashdarn!

Ricky's POV

Nice, Kirsten got ISS. I was planning on asking her something! But any ways that's not important! *blushes*

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