everybody wants a taste.

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Request: Gilinksy getting jealous at a party and getting all protective over me

"Babe, hurry up!" I heard Jack call out for the hundredth time that hour. I wasn't going to lie, I have been taking extra long in the bathroom, but it was only because I wanted to look the best that I could for this party. Rolling my eyes as I touched up my makeup, I poked my head out the door.

"Beauty takes time!"

"There's not enough time in the world to fix all that ugly!" He called back, followed by that melodious laugh of his. I laughed myself, shaking my head before proceeding to finish getting ready. Within minutes, I was all dolled up and ready to go. I met Jack downstairs, and for once, nothing came out of that big mouth.

"What, too ugly for you?" I teased, giving a quick twirl.

"More like too hot for me. You know there are gonna be other boys at the party, right?"

"Mhm. Makes it all better then." A smirk curled on my lips as I strutted past him and out the door, going for the car. The other boys and their dates all piled in the backseats while I sat beside Jack in the front, checking my makeup one last time in the visor mirror. He looked over at me, his brows slightly furrowed.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go in and change real quick, Y/N? I mean, it might get chilly later on, and you're showing a lot of skin." I gave him a look, obviously set on arriving at the party with this outfit, and this outfit only.

"What are you worried about, baby? You know I'm yours." I assured him, giving an encouraging pat to his knee. He merely sighed, shaking his head before starting up the car and heading out to the party.

As he pulled into the street, I could feel a new rush of excitement pulsing through me. I hadn't partied in so long, and I was so ready to let loose tonight. I barely let any time pass after Jack parked the car before I was out and pulling him towards the house.

I was in no rush to get drunk, but I had to admit, the party's vibe already had me feeling some type of way. I turned towards Jack with a bright smile, only to face his nothing-less-than melancholy expression. I mocked him, putting on a pout as I poked his cheek.

"What are you all grumpy about? We're supposed to be having fun!"

"I don't like that what you're wearing is so revealing! It's so–" As if on cue, a random guy strode over to me, a little tipsy but clearly aware of what he was doing.

"Hey, can I get you a drink?" He offered, but before I could answer, Jack stepped in with raised eyebrows.

"Dude, I'm literally right here." The stranger looked surprised, as if he hadn't noticed Jack at first. Thankfully, he backed off with no real harm done, but now Jack looked as pissed off as ever. "That's exactly what I was talking about! He didn't even notice that you were with me!" Although I understood where he was coming from, I rolled my eyes because he was being over-dramatic. I was still with him, wasn't I? Brushing his little spiel off, I took hold of his hand and began pulling him towards the drinks.

"You need a drink, baby." I poured a cup for each of us and smiled as I raised my cup up to give cheers, but Jack continued his sulking aura as he half-heartedly bumped cups with me. "You're being a party pooper, G. I'm gonna go dance. Watch my drink?" I was surprised that he was letting me go. It seemed like he wasn't in the mood for anything right now though. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, I left my cup with him before weaving myself into the middle of the dance floor.

I was having the time of my life, but it all felt off without Gilinsky. I came here to have fun with him, not have fun by myself while he just watched from the corner. So, with an idea springing in my mind, I turned towards the nearest cute guy and pulled him closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Jack hadn't moved a muscle. Jesus, does this boy notice anything? I shook my head, looking up at the cute boy with a smile.

"Hey, my boyfriend's being a little emo right now, could you help me get his attention?" I didn't need to ask twice. The guy was obviously into me, and I admit I felt a little gross, but Jack had finally noticed my maneuvers. His head perked up as I began to dance on the stranger, pretending I was into him too. It wasn't long before Jack began to make his way towards me, and at that point, I thanked the stranger and bid him off. "See you later!" I called just as I felt a pair of strong hands on my waist. "Now, who could that be?" I questioned innocently as I turned my head back to look at Jack.

"You think you're so cute, don't you?" My plan had worked perfectly. Sinking my teeth into my lesser lip, I nonchalantly pressed myself against him.

"Hm, no, I know I'm cute." Obviously annoyed, I felt his fingertips press firmly into my hips, and I couldn't help but laugh. He was so bothered, but I knew I could break him any moment now.

"What the fuck were you doing with that guy?" And there's the winning question. He was honestly so cute when he showed jealousy, and I was more amused than I should have been.

"He asked me to dance, so I said yes because you were being Mr. Grumpy over there." I answered simply, giving a careless shrug. "Are you gonna dance with me now, baby? Or are you gonna continue to pout like a real baby?" Without waiting for his answer, I slowly began to move my hips to the music, and his grip on me quickly lessened. Within moments, Jack began to dance with me, the space between us staying small.

Mid-song, he leaned into my ear and lightly nibbled on my earlobe, "You're mine. Understand? No one else can have you." I turned my head towards him, offering a sultry look before bringing his lips to mine.

"I never doubted that for a second, babe."

Jack Gilinsky imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now