in my hand.

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Request: Could you do an imagine where Jack comes home drunk and abuses you and the next day he realizes what he did and apologizes?

TRIGGER WARNING: physical abuse

My blank stare was anchored onto the ceiling, focusing on the faint yellowish lines that streamed in through the blinds from the streetlights outside. It was nothing out of the ordinary for Jack to come home late, and even though he insisted that I didn't wait up for him, I couldn't help but anticipate his arrival. I just slept better when I had him beside me.

Eventually I found it more and more difficult to keep my eyelids open despite the efforts I put towards staying awake. Maybe Jack had decided to sleep over at one of the guys' places and forgot to let me know. He probably had been drinking, after all. Finally I convinced myself that it was better to go to sleep than wait for him, but then I heard the hum of the Jeep's engine, and I sat right up. Sliding off the bed, I padded out of our room to greet the Jacks.

"Hey, guys." I piped when the door opened.

"You're still up?" Johnson questioned with a quirked brow, and I nodded. "Well, your man is drunk as shit. He almost—"

Before he could delve into the drunken antics that Jack had gotten into, in came the intoxicated mess himself. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he was gonna collapse at any moment as he dragged himself over to me.

"Hey, baby." He greeted with a sloppy kiss, but I swiftly pulled away at the taste of alcohol lingering on his lips.

"How much did you drink? God." I laughed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"A lot," Johnson answered for me as he walked back out the door. "I gotta drop off some of the other guys, so you got him, right?" He rose his eyebrows.

"Yeah, go ahead. Drive safe!" I waved, turning to Jack once the door closed. "Alright, let's get you to bed, drunkie." Taking his arm, I pulled it around my shoulders and curled my other arm around his torso.

"But I wanna tell y-you all about what happened tonight!" He exclaimed. Despite my obvious need for some assistance, he seemed to be slinging all his weight onto me, making it increasingly harder to get him to move.

"Alright, you can tell me once we get up the stairs, okay? Can you help me with that?" I spoke as if he were a child. With a little laugh, he slowly nodded and watched his feet as he took small steps with me. Getting up the stairs was like climbing a damn mountain, and we almost fell down at one point, but eventually we got to the room. I had him sit on the bed while I went and got some more comfortable clothes for him.

"You.. look so sexy right now." He observed with a crooked smirk on his lips.

"I'm sure I do." I nodded, chuckling at the fact that my hair was a mess and I was wearing the baggiest pajamas ever. "Okay, here, get changed, and I'm gonna go get you some water and something for your hangover tomorrow."

After making sure he was stable enough to dress himself, I went back downstairs to gather the usual hangover remedies. I thought that he would have been passed out by the time I returned to our room, but to my surprise, he was wide awake. And half-naked.

"Jack, I told you to put your PJs on." I laughed, kicking the door shut as my hands were full.

"There's no fun in that." He stated while striding over to where I was, practically trapping me by the entrance.

"Well, you've had enough fun tonight. We gotta sleep now." I tried to get past him, but he just moved forward until my back hit the door. "Jack—" Apparently he wasn't listening to anything I was saying because he continued to do whatever he pleased, including pressing kisses all over my face. "Okay, Jack, I'm really not in the mood to taste your leftover alcohol." I scrunched my nose, moving my head side to side in attempt to maneuver around him.

Jack Gilinsky imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now