redo, part one.

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Request: Could I have an imagine where Jack G cheats on Madison with you?

It wasn't the right time.

You always hear stories about destined lovers not being able to be together because of something. Lack of time, lack of money, distance. It all sounds like a clichéd romance novel. At least that's what I thought before I experienced it all myself.

Jack and I were high school buddies. Even more cliché, right? We weren't exactly best friends, but we knew enough about each other to end up dating by the summer before junior year. That lasted a while; longer than I expected, I'll tell you that. Then came his breakthrough on Vine. We never thought anything of it at first. It was just a fun way that he and Johnson could be themselves and have people enjoy their stupid humor with them. It was their hobby.

Over time, that hobby become something more. A lot more. There was singing and rapping and amateur acting. Next thing I knew, they were away from town, and gradually, away from me. Jack and I decided to break it off during one of their first major gigs. It was a mutual agreement that we'd be better off like this, but I never quite got over that 'kid from the Vines.'

Now, two years later, I'm visiting LA to rekindle this friendship that I adored so dearly. Johnson was surprisingly the one to invite me out to this wondrous city. There wasn't much of an explanation for the sudden request, but who was I to deny a chance to visit the west coast?

My flight had arrived just after sunset, and although I was exhausted, I was heading straight for some party that the boys were throwing tonight. Admittedly, there were some nerves coursing through my mind. What would Gilinsky say? Did he even know I would be coming? I mean, I was closer with him than Johnson, yet Johnson was the one to ask me over. Question after question raced through my thoughts, and before I realized, I was plopped right in front of their so-called luxurious LA house. Looking up at the place, I could see lights on inside and a couple of cars parked in a line down the driveway, although it didn't seem like the party had started yet. Well, here goes nothing. I lugged my suitcase up to the door and pressed the doorbell. Not even a minute later, Johnson appeared right before me. We stared at each other for a moment, and I worried that he didn't recognize me, but before I could voice any form of greeting, his arms reached out to embrace me.

"Y/N!" He sang out. I laughed awkwardly while reciprocating the hug and giving a small pat to his back.

"Me!" I joked, stepping back once he released me. "Hello, young Johnson. I'm not late, am I?" He shook his head, moving aside to let me in.

"Nah, we just started setting up. A couple of the boys are over to help, but yeah, come in! G's been waiting for you." I thought my heart stopped for a moment as I walked inside. He's been waiting for me. I'm sure it meant nothing more than awaiting my arrival, but a girl can dream. As Johnson led me into the living room, I glanced around at the interior of the house. The boys did a pretty good job of keeping up the place. Finally, we stopped in the doorway of the living room, and my eyes scanned over the various boys inside until they fell upon the one and only.

"Y/L/N." He spoke up before I could utter a single word. My lips pulled into a tight smile as I raised a greeting hand.

"Gilinsky." The room seemed to fall into silence while we exchanged a rather intense stare. After all, what would one say to an old love?

"Well now that that introduction has been made," Johnson cut in, thank God. "These are the boys. Nash, Jake aka Foosh, Matt, Sammy, and Nate." He went down the line. I smiled and greeted all of them, but I could see Gilinsky approaching me from the corner of my eye, and all I could focus on was that. "And this is Y/N. She's chilling with us for a while."

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