something it's not.

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Request: An imagine where Jack thinks she's cheating but really it's someone related to her

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@jackgilinsky: jealousy is love & hate at the same time

Usually I would be above subtweeting somebody, but when it comes to a situation I feel so strongly about, I can't help it. Besides, the tweet could be about anybody, and it's not like she would notice with all the time she's been spending with that guy. Where did he come from anyway? It's like I left LA for a few days, and she had him waiting right around the corner.

"Yo, chill with the pacing, G. You're gonna fall through the damn floor." Johnson warned from his bed on the opposite side of the room.

"Am I overreacting? I'm not, right? I have a right to wanna know who the fuck this guy thinks he is, cozying up to my girl." I concluded instead, failing to acknowledge his remarks.

"No, yeah, for sure. I'd react the same way in your position. What'd she say when you confronted her?" He consoled. Sighing, I flopped back on the bed and spread my arms out before closing my eyes.

"The typical 'He's nothing to worry about, baby.'" I reported in my mock girl voice. "If I shouldn't be worried, why isn't she answering my calls but posting things of them together online?"

"Hey, come on. I'm sure it's just some miscommunication, bro. Why don't you call her up right now? I'm about to head down to the gym anyway."

I nodded, clapping hands with him before he left me to be alone in the hotel room. For a few minutes, I thought about just taking a nap and letting myself cool down, but then I realized that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyway with all this on my mind. So I took my phone back out and dialed her number, picking at the loose threads in the comforter while the line rang. It almost went to voicemail before she finally answered, and that alone annoyed me to the point where I knew this conversation wasn't going to go very happily.

"Hello?" She obviously had been laughing, which only irked me further. "Jack, baby, what's up?"

I took a deep breath, collecting myself to ensure that my mood wouldn't carry through my voice. "Just calling to check in... You said you'd call me back, but you never did."

"Oh, well, I was sorta thinking we'd talk later tonight. You know, like we always do when you're away." She replied in a cheery tone, completely oblivious to how I was feeling.

"Yeah, I know, I just— thought we could talk more. I miss you." I expressed sincerely, chewing on my lip.

"Aww, baby... I miss you too. LA's so lonely without you here."

"Doesn't seem like it." I muttered before I could catch myself. Just like that, the overall atmosphere changed.

"What?" She laughed dryly as if she didn't understand what I had said.

"I know you heard me, Y/N." I had to admit, I was gonna stay stubborn. She wasn't being straight up with me, and since we can't talk face-to-face, I'm not gonna make it easy for her. "I'm all the way across the country missing my girlfriend while she's out doing God knows what with some other fuck boy."

"Excuse me? Jack, I told you he's not—"

"Nothing to worry about!" I finished for her, rolling my eyes. "If that's the case, why the hell is he all over your social media? I've been trying to talk to you all day, and instead you wanna showcase your new boy to the whole world."

"Okay, the assumptions you're making right now are actually gross. First, you're getting mad over nothing, and second, I really don't appreciate the way you're talking to me." She remarked, her own tone of voice beginning to resemble my angry one. I don't know why she would be mad when I'm the one being lied to.

Jack Gilinsky imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now