bumps in the road.

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Request: Jack Gilinsky imagine where y'all tell the fans that Y/N is pregnant (they've been dating since high school)

"You know, morning sickness isn't all it's cracked up to be." I told Jack as my toothbrush hung out of the corner of my mouth, sarcasm lacing every word that left my lips. He chuckled while shaking his head, looking back at me as he tidied up our disheveled bed sheets.

"Really? I thought it'd be a blast." He replied with the same tone of sarcasm, causing us both to laugh. After I finished brushing my teeth and finally getting the pungent taste of vomit out of my mouth, I went out to help Jack, only to have him deny my assistance. "I got it, babe. You just relax and look pretty." Crossing my arms, I gave him a look.

"Jack, I'm only thirteen weeks along! Barely showing – so I can still do things, you know." It was sweet of him to want to help out, but sometimes I hated feeling so vulnerable. Sighing, he stood up straight and walked around the bed to get to me.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry! I just want to make sure everything's okay for you." He apologized, placing his hands on my hips as he leaned his forehead against mine. "I'll let you help next time." He proposed before pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose.

"Okay..." I gave in, allowing a smile to curl on my lips as I unfolded my arms.

"That's my girl." He wrapped his arms around me and nestled his chin on top of my head. I closed my eyes, basking in his warmth as I laid my head against his chest. "We still have to tell them, you know.." He mumbled after a moment of silence. I just sighed.

"I know." Jack and I have been planning on when to tell his fans, and time was running out as rumors had already begun to spark about my weight gain. Nervous would be an understatement. I mean, I'm going to have this baby whether they approve or not, but I was afraid of how the negativity would affect my stress levels.

"Are you ready?" He questioned while rubbing my back.

"I don't know." I admitted. Part of me wanted to just let them figure it out on their own when I start to show more. But I knew that wouldn't be fair to Jack and his career since the fans expect him to tell them everything that goes on in his life. "Can we do it today?" The words left my mouth before I could consider them.

"Really?" He released the embrace to look at me. "Are you sure, babe? You said you were feeling nauseous. We could always do it–"

"I just wanna get it over with. Before the stress really gets to me." It had to be done sooner or later. Hopefully the former choice would make things easier on us.

"Alright, if you say so..."

* * * *

@jackgilinsky: Live in 20 minutes... Get ready

Jack sent the tweet out as we sat on the couch in front of the laptop on the coffee table.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as he wound his arms around me. I fiddled with my fingers and breathed heavily, yet there was an odd calmness to my exterior.

"Of course I am.. I don't want them to stop supporting you or something." I shook my head at the thought. I couldn't care less about what they had to say about me. I was more worried about Jack's future than anything. It was everything to him and Johnson; I didn't want to ruin it all for them.

"No matter what happens, I'm staying with you, okay? Through it all." He kissed the side of my head.

Until it was time to finally get on YouNow, we went over what we would say, and how we would say it. I wouldn't say this was the best way to go about things, but I think a press conference would be a little over the top. This would have to do. Jack wanted to go on YouNow rather than tweet or make a YouTube video because he thought it would feel more personal and almost face-to-face. Maybe the fans would react better this way. Finally, at two o'clock, he sent out the link on his Twitter.

"Hi, guys," He started, watching as the number of viewers rose. "We're just gonna wait a couple minutes for everyone to connect or whatever." Meanwhile, I sat back and stared at everything but the webcam. I didn't have to read the comments to feel the 'what is she doing there?' vibe.

After waiting five minutes and sending out random greetings, Jack finally began the broadcast. He scooted back on the couch so he was right next to me, and he placed a secure arm around my waist.

"Well, hi. I'm Jack, and if you didn't already know, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." I gave a small smile and weak wave to the camera, trying my best to avoid looking at the chat. "We–... wanted to announce something big to you guys, and we thought it'd be best to do it live on here, so that it's more real, you know? Anyway, before we tell you the news, and before you go accusing people of anything, I want to let you guys know that I love you, and I will always be here, making music for you guys. None of that is changing, and I hope it will never stop." My feat to ignore the chat box proved to be harder than I expected as I took one glance at the words and couldn't look away. It was a mix of assumptions (good and harsh), gratitude towards Jack's words, and urges to tell them what's going on.

"Th-That being said," I stuttered out, ripping my gaze away from the fast-moving words. I chewed harshly on my lip as I felt my eyes begin to water. I don't know if it was the hormones or the overwhelming anxiety I felt about their reactions, but either way, I felt even more pathetic for being so vulnerable in front of them. "God, I'm so sorry." I sniffled, looking up as I wiped beneath my eyes. "Okay, okay, I don't want to make you guys angry for procrastinating or something, so I'm just gonna say it." I took a deep breath and looked at Jack, who responded by rubbing my back and offering a gentle smile. "I'm pregnant." Saying those words out loud felt like morning sickness all over again. But, now that it was out of me, I felt a huge weight lifting from my shoulders. Jack looked back at the chat while I kept my gaze on him. He made me feel stronger.

"Now before you guys go all crazy and tell us off, we are prepared, and we have the best parents supporting us and helping us learn everything we need to know." I wasn't sure how negative the reactions were as Jack kept a neutral expression while he read through them. I kept my gaze towards the floor to avoid any temptation of looking at what they had to say. It doesn't matter, I told myself. I'm happy, and we're having this baby. "Guys, guys, guys–" Jack suddenly spoke up, putting his hands up. "Please. Y/N and I are both in our twenties. Yeah we've got a lot to learn, but I'm pretty sure we're mature enough to know what we can and can't handle. It's not like this was a brash decision. Everything was planned, and come on, we've been dating since high school. We weren't going to stay abstinent forever."

"Please don't be mad." I spoke in a tiny voice, clinging to Jack's arm for support. "Our intention wasn't to hurt anybody. Like Jack said, we have been dating for a pretty long time, and we felt that we were ready for this."

Jack and I spent quite a while trying to convince them to see the good in the situation, but eventually we gave up, knowing there was always going to be doubters. After another hour of talking to them and answering questions, we finally signed off and put the laptop away.

"Oh my god." I muttered, covering my face with my hands. "I mean, that went a lot better than I thought it would, but god, this is so much." Jack sighed and pulled me onto his lap, cradling me like a baby. The irony of the position brought a chuckle out of me, and he smiled.

"What?" Curling my arms around his neck, I shook my head and smiled back.

"Nothing. I just love you so much." I kissed his cheek before resting my head against his shoulder.

"I love you too, babe." He let out a sigh of relief. I wouldn't blame him; these past two hours were the most stressful things I've ever dealt with. "And I love this baby." He placed a gentle hand on my stomach, brushing his thumb over my shirt. "Mini Gilinsky's gonna take over the world." I rolled my eyes, but laughed nonetheless when he flashed that smile of his.

"You're gonna be a great father."

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