the art of secrecy.

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Request: Can you do a Jack G imagine where I'm dating him but my parents don't like him so we have to sneak around so we don't get caught?

"Yeah, they've still got me on lock down." I vented to Jack, blowing a raspberry as I paced around my room. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll wear down the floorboards and fall right through them. My parents would probably yell at me if that happened, just because they despised me so much at the moment. I rolled onto my stomach and stuffed my face into the pillow, blowing off steam through a rather monstrous growl type of scream. "I hate being the rebel child." I said with a slight laugh. My "rebellious phase" was any other teenager's normal life, but because of my strict parents, they wouldn't accept any behavior that wasn't up to par with their expectations. I'm lucky I even get to keep my phone.

"I think I might know a way to lessen that hatred a little bit." Jack said, a hint of mischievousness in his tone.

Immediately intrigued, I lifted my head and a smirk curled on my lips. "What are you talking about?"

"Look out your window, Juliet."

I gasped, rolling off the bed and scurrying to my window. Sure enough, there stood Jack holding up a Beats pill that wasn't playing any music. I laughed, holding the phone back up to my ear.

"You're ridiculous." I shook my head, scrunching my nose.

"But it made your night, didn't it?" He laughed.

"Maybe." I answered coyly, leaning against the window sill. "But how exactly are you gonna get up here?" I hummed.

"Easy," He waved his hand as if I had offended him by doubting his abilities. "I'll just–"

His words were interrupted by a chorus of barking dogs, one from my own backyard, and the others from the neighbors.

"Oh god," I groaned, slapping the palm of my hand to my forehead. "Didn't really think this through, did ya, Romeo?" If there's any trick that my dog's learned to do, it's to go after strangers and/or intruding people, and I knew he wouldn't stop until Jack left or until my dad gave the order to stop. My gut was telling me the latter would be the winner tonight.

"How do I get him to shut up?" Jack whispered harshly, and I could see him holding his hands out as if to say that he meant no harm. It was an amusing sight, I'll tell you that.

"You can't. Not until–" I saw the porch light turn on, and my eyes went wide. "Jack, my dad's coming out. Hide somewhere!"

"Wha–" I watched in both fear and amusement as Jack scrambled to run away, his long legs moving as fast as they could. He ended up hiding behind one of the neighbor's cars, and I heard his heavy breaths on the phone.

"That was quite the dash you made." I giggled. I could just sense the eye roll right now.

"Russell? What's out here, boy? What're you barkin' at?" I heard my dad's voice in the background of the call and from my window. Peeking down, I watched him go through the bushes, moving closer to where Jack was. My heartbeat rang in my ears alongside Jack's attempts at quieting his breathing. Russell just would not stop barking, and I almost wanted to go down there myself to shut him up.

"Jack, he's going towards the car." I warned him. We might as well be in a thriller movie with all the suspense I'm feeling at the moment. I thought Jack was going to make a break for it, but instead, he did the unthinkable and crawled under the car.

"Russell, are you seein' things again?" My dad said, walking back towards our house. I breathed a sigh of relief, my hand pressed to my chest. When I saw him going to the backyard gate, I'm assuming to put Russell in his cage, I perked up.

Jack Gilinsky imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora