Chapter Three // SMACK!

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I apologize in advance if this sucks. ( that Garroth picture tho. ) Also, Hai CookiesForLulu ^-^
I rolled my eyes at the melodramatic mei'fwa girl. It was only a cupcake! Irene..
Aphmau frowned at me, and looked at me as if to say, 'Apologize and be friends with her already!'
I rolled my eyes, again, in response.
I saw Indy and Marshal run upstairs into Kawaii~Chan's room, which I, again, rolled my eyes to.
I heard a sigh, and saw Aphmau, the culprit of the sigh, next to me.
"Go upstairs and make friends with her, or I'll tell everyone about the Pony Tea Parties!" She whispered/yelled in my ear.
I growled at her, and mumbled the word 'FINE' to her, rather harshly.
I walked upstairs, sluggishly, and walked, again sluggishly, towards Kawaii~Chan's room.
I heard sobbing through the door, and I felt a stab of pity in my heart . Huh. That's weird.
The door was unlocked, and through the space between the door and the doorway, I saw turquoise, pink, and black hair clashing horribly together on the bed, all of them sobbing.
I opened the door, and the first thing that I see are 2 sets of eyes glaring at me like I was the worst person alive.
Indy mumbled something to Kawaii~Chan and Marshal, took off her large black-framed glasses and put them on the bed.
She walked up to me, not breaking eye contact. I heard a SMACK! and my cheek was stinging.
Marshal now got up and there was a pause now.
She glared at me with the dark brown eyes behind her purple framed glasses before another SMACK! was heard, except with the other cheek stinging.
I looked over at Kawaii~Chan who was processing what just happened.
I sat down on the extremely pink bed beside her.
"Kawaii~Chan, I'm sorry."

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