Chapter 24

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(A/N): Hey guys, I may not be able to update tomorrow because I'm getting STUPID BRACES EVEN THOUGH MY TEETH ARE PERFECTLY STRAIGHT! I mean, so what my front tooth is on top of my other tooth and is tilting sideways? That's normal...

Laurence's POV-
"Visiting hours are over, sir." The nurse said to Vylad and I. Vylad had just given some blood to Garroth. The nurses said he should wake up after they fix his internal bleeding. I can't wait.
Vylad nodded and we walked outside. Vylad looked troubled. "You OK, bud?" I asked.
"No...I turned Dante down. I don't even know why! I love him, it's just...I'm scared..." Vylad put his hands in his face. So that's why Dante left...
"Vylad, don't be scared. Love can be scary. I mean, look at me and Garroth. He's in a coma and I don't know if he'll ever wake up. But we take the risk. We take it because we love them so much we're willing to go through the pain and hurt just to be able to spend a few moments together with them." I explain as I hop in my car. Vylad didn't bring his, obviously, and Dante's out, so I'm driving him home.
"But what if you're afraid they'll intentionally hurt you? Like...cheat?" Vylad asked as he got in the shotgun seat.
"You have to be willing to take that chance. You have to know them well enough to know they're loyal to you." I stare at the road. Garroth's loyal to me. I know that. And I'm loyal up him. "Thanks...but Laurance? There's someone I need to visit."
"Garte?" I ask, and he nods. I really don't want to see him, epically after Garroth took his knife for me, but why not? I change directions towards the prison and we arrive their shortly.
"We're here." I state, and Vylad stares at it. "So. What are your plans here, Vylad?"
"It's about time I faced my fear." I cast him a glance. I knew what he meant. I know what that meant for me too. "Vylad, can I pick you up in about thirty minutes? I need to go do something." Vylad gave me a look of understanding and nodded. I hopped back into my car and drove. Sometimes, you need too conquer one fear alone to conquer another one with someone else. He's doing this for Dante.
And now I know what I need to do for Garroth.
To be honest, I thought I had it all figured out. But it's funny how someone can say one word and it changes everything.
I drove home. Travis had just moved into Zane's today. It's just me and Garroth's now..that is, if Garroth makes it. I need him. Literally. He keeps me sane. I walk inside and stare into the mirror. My blue eyes slowly turn red, and sparks fly. It's been harder to control this side since Garroth almost died. When I think about Garte, I just...Garroth does keep me sane. My Shadow Knight form should've taken over me a long time ago. But it hasn't because Garroth has been there for me. I need to embrace what I am without him or I'll never get over this dark side of me. But I can't see myself without Garroth. I can just see a Laurence. One angry, evil, rampaging Laurence. One that doesn't know love. One that doesn't know Garroth. I don't like that Laurence.
Babe...please hurry. I'm running out of time.

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